Belfast and Neptune: Maido Psychopaths.

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I felt like I had enough of the damn bloody Royal Navy shipgirls, but that was just the fucking tip of the iceberg. I was dealing with even more shipgirls of the damn Royal Navy... I've just been captured and my bloody mouth was raped by Hood. But, Pennsylvania rescued me and take me to Vestal. Was everyone now like this!? I need to get to the bottom of this... I got checked up and left the medical ward. And then I've met Jintsuu who rushed over me.

Jintsuu: Kevin, are you alright!?

Kevin: I-I'm fine... You?

Jintsuu: I'm also fine... I was wondering where you were, after I see Hood carrying with a hatchet, but I managed to find you in the medical ward.

Kevin: Pennsylvania saved me, I thanked her for saving me... Maybe, Penn is not that bad, at all...

Jintsuu: Glad that she chose to help...

Kevin: Just... why did you just let other shipgirls talk shit about you, while you're on your back?

Jintsuu: They're crazy! They could kill me if I try to speak up!

Kevin: Hold on, why did you grab my-!?

She grabbed my hand and took me to my office. What the hell is going on!?

Kevin: What the hell are you-!?

Jintsuu: Shhh! Two more shipgirls have arrived. I hope they didn't see us...

Kevin: Two more? Can't we just deal with them?

Jintsuu: That's too risky...

And then I've heard a voice.

???: Come out whoever is in there... We know that your scared of us...

Kevin: I doubt it.

???: We know that you're not busy. Why not meet us, we just want to say hello.

Kevin: Come and get me then.

I quickly get behind of the table, aiming my Magnetic Rifle at the door, while Jintsuu was behind me. When I hear the door unlocked, I tensed up.

Jintsuu: Oh no...

Kevin: Just stay behind me!

Central: Commander! Someone's coming at the window!

I quickly take aim at the window, just to see Enterprise breaking through the window.

Kevin: Enterprise! What the hell!?

Enterprise: Oh... sorry, Commander... what's going on though?

The door opened and I quickly aimed back at the door, to see two maids of the Royal Navy...

Jintsuu: I'm seeing worst than this...

???: There you are!

Kevin: Let me guess, you pick locked it?

One of them took out a pick locking tool pocket.

???: You're correct. Although, we apologize about the inconvenience, we just think Commanders always meet in the docks.

Kevin: I'm afraid that the current events have made this difficult for me and my secretary.

???: We are friendly, you could say.

Kevin: *sigh and lower his weapon* State your name, class and faction?

Enterprise: I was going to say that...

Kevin: You flied through a window and broke it. It's going to be a dent on my wages.

Enterprise doesn't seem serious at all... Maybe it's about Ark Royal or something?

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