Amagi: Drew First Blood.

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Amagi... she was starting becoming, just like every other shipgirls, who they also wanted to get married to me. Good thing, I got the military police, and put them on curfew. She must be very good at stealth. Just like Taihou, but more professional. She's everywhere, from the beach, to the canteen, to my office and even at both Shiranui's and Akashi's shops. When I was about to sit on a bench, I see her next to me. I don't know if she's the Second or the Fifth Carrier, but, she currently only stalks... for now. I remember like if it's reading a book, when Akagi and Kaga, killed a few civilians with a Phoenix Councilor killed. Hence, why I got more weapons. All of the shipgirls are... strangely obsessed with me and acting strangely well. I wanna feel emotional, but that nearly impossible, due to the training I have. I looking at the ring in the case, while at the beach, I wanted to toss it away, or maybe toss it into Davy Jone's Locker. But it might be found, floating or in the lockers, ether by a submarine girl or a shipgirl and propose that to me... It insane that I found the reports of two victims of the damn ring, Minato Arisato and this Arthur kid... Plus, it's impossible for one ring to marry many girls. When it's about me against the shipgirls... I'm going to need my squad's and the New Phoenix Project's help.

I don't understand... What's with Amagi, nowadays? I don't really see myself cute, but almost like a young dying man, who's a Veteran, yet, I have become some kind of a shipgirl magnet. Her affinity is not even at 100 and yet, she likes me... After Takao's death, every shipgirl are after me as if I was on the market. Since then, I contacted the Military Police, to help me. At first, I thought that they think that I'm lying after saying that. Suddenly, a lot of police officers are now patrolling everywhere. It was the only way...

However, I remember that, I tried to finish both Zuikaku and Shoukaku off the face of the Earth, after they were trying to leave to town. I was using Takao's Katana and maybe turned temporary into an insane vigilante. To make them pay... But, Phoenix and Arizona, who both of them recovered, stopped me. Telling me this...


Zuikaku: H-Have mercy...

Shoukaku: W-wait... please... C-Commander!

Kevin: *prepares to kill Shoukaku first with a katana* This is for Takao... you monsters...

At that moment, Arizona quick grabbed my right arm, while Phoenix...

Phoenix: Commander... that's enough...

Kevin: Why? They must pay... eye for an eye... They have murdered an innocent...

Phoenix: They'll be, Commander. Just look around you!

I slowly looked around, I saw shipgirls, seeing my dark side. They're concerned and probably afraid of my action.

Phoenix: We know you're still angry about Takao's death, but violence won't solve anything!

Arizona: Please... let the police do it...

Cygnet: Commander... please... don't be like those other abusive Commanders...

Kevin: ... *sigh* Fine...

I just... I can't... I wanted revenge, but... why does it feel like, it's a bad idea? Wait... Oh great... I lost it again! I should've taken some Antipsychotics!

Then, the shipgirls took both of them to the clinic, I wipe the blood of the katana and holster it. I turned around to see Amagi close to me. I was shocked and quickly moved back, and then sighed.

Arizona and Phoenix: Commander!?

Kevin: Are you trying to give me a heart attack, Amagi...?

Amagi: Hello, Commander.~

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