Unicorn: The Endgame.

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I'm done. I'm fucking done! While they we're watching for the Yanderes, I wrote the reason of leaving the Azur Lane!

Reason of Leave

I, Commander Kevin Lee of the Azur Lane, chosen to resign my position as the Commander of the Azur Lane. Due to the hostile environment of both other Commanders and shipgirls. Fearing the risk of being betrayed, I'm signing this for the sake of my life. 'As also incompetent I am'. I will here by, leave the Azur Lane and 'return to the civilian lifestyle'. Thank you for your cooperation, God Bless and Amen.

Though I lied about my high incompetency and returning to the civilian lifestyle, It's better than nothing...

Jintsuu: That's gonna work!?

Kevin: Not much, but it will deter them for a moment. Buying us enough time, plus, I'm no longer a Commander of the Azur Lane anymore.

Phoenix: Coward...

Kevin: You wanna live?

Phoenix: Er... Yes?

Kevin: Then this is the only way.


I packed up everything and prepare to leave, once and for all. I even took Takao's katana and my weapons. It was a relief to finally leave this place. It was now or never. I turned off the lights in the office, put my paper in the notice board and headed to the shores.

Jintsuu: Kevin?

Kevin: What is it, Jintsuu? And Phoenix?

Jintsuu: Are you leaving the Azur Lane?

Kevin: Yes. I don't have a reason to be here anymore. I will report to my council and we may or may not come here and sweep the place.

Phoenix: We're coming with you.

Kevin: You sure?

Jintsuu: I wouldn't want to stay here by myself with the thought of being murdered by the yanderes still on this place. I heard that I was going to be dismantled, even Enterprise.

Kevin: She might have been evacuated back to her country. Don't worry.

Phoenix: I hope so... She's a strong one.

Kevin: She is. *radio* It's the Warp ready? We got two more passengers.

Phoenix Chief Engineer: Yes, Commander. On standby.

???: Commander?

I then heard a voice far from the distance. I looked behind both Jintsuu and Phoenix, it appears to be Atago.

Kevin: What?

Atago: Are you leaving me behind?

Kevin: I'm resigning. I'm not longer your Commander.

She was shocked, when the moment that she heard that I was resigning.

Atago: Commander... Please, I'm going to be all alone without you...

Kevin: It's over, You threaten Takao, nearly suffocated me, and you even threaten me to stay with you. Even other Commanders are staring daggers at me. I wrote that paper for a reason.

Atago: But...

Jintsuu: Atago, it's over. The Azur Lane is falling apart.

Atago: Please... Commander...

I gave my luggage to both Phoenix and Jintsuu and hold their hands tight.

Kevin: Goodbye Atago... *Comms* Warp us now!

Battle of the Ring. (Yandere Azur Lane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now