Thus, The Phoenix Project fights once more. (Epilogue)

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The Sakura Empire and the Royal Navy shipgirls found me and Jintsuu. The last thing I remember was Hood taking me to somewhere. Both Jintsuu and I was tied up. I might be able to cut the ropes...

Kevin: Jintsuu, you alright?

Jintsuu: I guess so. You?

Kevin: My back still hurts... After they found you at the vents exit and then they got me in the vent...

Jintsuu: Oof... Are you okay? Commander Red Baron?

Kevin: Ja, das ist Kommandant Red Baron. Vhy? "Yes, this is Commander Red Baron."

Jintsuu: Er...

Kevin: I still have my gear you know.

Jintsuu: Right...

The Sakura Empire and Royal Navy shipgirls came from the church doors in their bloody wedding dresses. I'm still in my military uniform. They approached me, smiling joyfully as if it was a big day. This is not a joke... Literally!!!

Belfast: It's finally the day, Master.~

Akagi & Kaga: Our love has connected to you to us.~

Atago: *giggles* You cannot escape anymore.~ With you and me together, my wish is fulfilled before Takao died and... I won't drink anymore because of you.~

Shoukaku & Zuikaku: We're so happy to be with you forever and ever...

Prince of Wales: We're now a couple instead of boyfriend and girlfriend, Com-man-der.~

Duke of York: You shall be my partner, forever~

Hood: I can finally be yours and serve you as well.~

Rodney: You'll be wearing chain around your neck, so you won't escape.~

Unicorn: Onii-chan will be with me forever and ever.~

Souryuu: You'll finally be my plaything for all eternally.~

Belfast: Master, do you accept us as your loving waifus?

A/N: All routes has been accepted by the allied forces. Have a good day.

1) I... don't want to be alone again...
2) Just why...?
3) "Reinforcements has arrived!"
- Phoenix Project's Victory.
- Shipgirl's Victory.
- Pyrrhic Escape.

1) I... don't want to be alone again...

They smiled sympathetically at me when they heard that I don't want to be alone again. Jintsuu looked at me, disgusted.

Jintsuu: What the hell?! All these times I trusted you and you pick them instead of me!? How could you?!

Kevin: *sobbing* Please... don't leave me alone... in the cold, dark place... I wanted you all to save me...

Jintsuu: I knew you were a coward! You useless, son of a-!

I saw Jintsuu getting stabbed on the stomach by Zuikaku's katana, the same way Takao died. Zuikaku laughed as Jintsuu fell to the ground, dead and lifeless...

Zuikaku: Ahahaha~ Done with that pesky female!

Warspite: Hey! That's my job!

Belfast put the wedding ring on my ring finger... I... I'm happy now... This is where I belong... I feel safe... Jintsuu maybe dead... But if they're happy, then I'm too...

Girls: You may now kiss the bride!

I let them kissed me, all 17 of them, one by one. And it was very comforting to receive it. Maybe Jintsuu was wrong, they weren't that bad...

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