Amagi: Our Masks of Lies.

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After wounding Zuikaku with my pistol, I head back to the office, only to check Takao to see if she's still alive. I kicked the door open, and it broke. I saw Takao lying on the floor, mortally wounded with blood on the floor. Damn it! I'm too late! There were with letters and writing saying "You shouldn't have come here." FUCK YOU, ZUIKAKU!!! YOU MURDERED MY TRUSTED SECRETARY!!!

Kevin: TAKAO!!!

Takao: *coughing* Hi... Kevin...

I quickly take out my bandage and try to stop the bleeding. But I realized, she's not going to live, with that heavy wound.

Kevin: Damnit! Damnit!!! DAMNIT!!! GOD DAMNIT, STAY WITH ME, TAKAO!!!

I started tearing.

Takao: *coughing* I'm... not going to... make it through... this...

She coughed out blood, very hard. I've seen some of the soldiers suffered this... I guess I'm now paying the price...

Takao: I called... Jintsuu... to be your secretary...

Kevin: Damn it... No matter, how much Bandages, Morphine or anything else... I can't save you with your dying state...

Takao: I know... Go... without... me...

Kevin: What about Atago? Your sister?

Takao: She doesn't know anyways...

I know I don't want to leave her, but I can't save her... I have no choice but to let her go...

Kevin: Takao... I'm so sorry...

Takao: It's... It's alright... I'll miss you, Kevin...

Kevin: Au Revoir 'Goodbye'... Takao...

I gave her a kiss to her lips... I started to feel alone... again...

Takao: Kevin... I'll always, be within your heart...

She has closed her eyes, drawing her last breath. I failed to save my family and now I failed to save Takao... I still hear the laughers and giggles echoing. I fired four shot out of an open window, to honor her.

Kevin: I promise, I'll make them, pay with their blood.

Before I left the dorm, I took her katana to make sure that I still remember her, before she died...


Takao... I lost her all because of my lack of awareness, she was like a crush that I've never have a long time ago... I still have to be ready for anything. According to Takao, before her death my new secretary is Jintsuu. If Takao said that she's trustworthy, then I'll place my trust on her. For now, Pennsylvania currently my main secretary, with Hiryuu. I visit both of them from time to time. Although, I feel less threatened from Souryuu, since she's the least aggressive.

Zuikaku is still alive, of course, A few pistol gauss shots isn't enough to kill her. While she keep sending letters at me, I shredded them all with the paper shredder, and used them for compost for my small garden. Them and the crazy "Fifth Carrier Division"... Yeah...

It was the Crimson Echo Rerun Event, the economy of my cubes are... limited. I could only construct 4 ships because, of lack of space. My god, 100 additional dorm for a box of gems. At least it's not costly... for now... Shoukaku was still giggling and smiling, despite my attempt to kill her sister... Even my threats to her has fallen to her deaf ears. Zuikaku, I could've managed to kill her, if it's wasn't her sister... I'll make sure, her blood will spill in agony. Atago... Oy vey... back to drinking and probably depressed...

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