It was all for Nothing... (Epilogue)

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2) "Reinforcements has arrived!" Shipgirl's Victory.

Technician (New Jericho): COMMANDER! WATCH OUT!

Suddenly, he tossed the combat shield at me and I was hit in the head, giving me a concussion.

Technician (NJ): Oh shit!

Kevin: Ow... my head...

And then I was hit with a few tranquillizer darts, making me fall asleep.

Priest (Anu): Oh Dead God... They got our Commander!

Jintsuu: Commander!

Michael: Shit! Abandon Operation! Fall back!

Unicorn: Oh, Oni-Chan...

Few Minutes Later...

???: Kid! Kid! Wake up!

I suddenly wake up, to see Michael and the Anu Priest, holding them back with that he have.

Kevin: Wha...? What happened!?

Michael: Shit... Mission failed... We're retreating.

I raised my head to see all of my operatives and my friends killed. I saw them finishing off Jintsuu and Phoenix.

Kevin: No...

Priest (Anu): I'll hold them off. Keep the Commander safe.

Michael nodded and we both ran to the portal. While we are arriving, we heard a scream. The Priest was killed.

Michael: Ok, we're here.

Kevin: Alright let's-

Suddenly a shell hits the portal's power station, causing it to shut down.

Michael: Wha-!?

Kevin: MICHAEL!!!

It was Warspite. She killed him with a blade through his chest.

Michael: Kid... I'm sorry... We tried...

He fallen dead, I've lost... EVERYTHING! MY MEN! MY FRIENDS AND MY PRIDE!!!


Warspite: *giggles* Just for you to know, Commander... I'll kill anyone who will come between us...~

Kevin: *sobbing* Just... Just why!?

After I looked at Warspite, I was stabbed with a syringe, I fallen asleep again...

An Hour Later...

I woke up in a chair blindfolded with a gag in my mouth, and I was tied up. I was probably still in the same church. The girls probably re-fixed the church by removing the blood and bodies.

???: Oh Commander~

Kevin: ...

???: Now without any interruptions... we can finally marry you!

???: You even look cuter with your clothes stained in blood~

???: I suppose we can un-gag and un-blindfold you... only if you behave~

???: Well then, shall we continue?

After I was able to talk and see, only the Royal Navy shipgirls were all surrounding me and staring at me. Belfast was in front of me and ready to put the ring on me.

Kevin: I-I...

Warspite looked at me as if she was going to stab me if I said no. I didn't have any weapons...

Kevin: Yes... I... *hic* I will...

Belfast put the ring on my ring finger while I felt broken inside.

Girls: You may now kiss the bride!

They all kissed me at the same time... But it doesn't feel the same...

My Operative... They have killed the Sakura, but not the Royal Navy... This... This is the first time I've felt despair... No, True Despair... The New Phoenix Project was my home... My Pride... My friends... they were the only family I have including my siblings... Now... It's all gone...

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Ending 2-B: Broken and Suicidal.

A/N: If you're going through a mental crisis. Contact the Suicide hotline, first. They'll help you if you're in distress.

2) "Reinforcements has arrived!" Pyrrhic Escape.

Priest (Anu): I'll hold them off. Keep the Commander safe.

I grabbed Michael and take him to the office.

Michael: What the!? Kid, what are you-?

Kevin: I remember, that I have a Fulton Extraction Pack. Come on.

We both went to the office and I took out the Fulton, by the time we reached to the rooftops, to use a wooden box as an escape route. We heard a scream. The Priest is dead.

Michael: Are you sure this will work?

Kevin: Trust me.

Me and Michael get on it and use the fulton. A Wormhole above us showed up.

Kevin: Is this... Normal?

Michael: Since it's from MGSV... I guess.

We both got sucked in and found ourselves back in the Portal Room.

Phoenix Chief Engineer: What in the god's name!?

Kevin: Turn the portal off! Sever the Connection!

Phoenix Chief Engineer: If you say so...

The Chief Engineer severed the connection and turned it off. I uninstalled Azur Lane Remastered and toss my phone into the seas... I loss all of my friends, and my operatives. But I haven't lost Michael... Which, at least it's better than nothing... I returned to my normal life including Michael. I brought myself a new phone and decided to try Girl's Frontline. Hoping nothing like that happens again.

 But... it happened again...

???: I'm all you need... Com~man~der...

Kevin: No... NO... NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Ending 2-C: "Yandere HK416" Incident.

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