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When you awoke in the morning Armin wasn't there. You let out a groan and rolled over to check your phone. However, a note caught your attention. 

Srry I couldn't stay. I totally forgot I had class in the morning. 

But here's my number


- Armin ;)

You giggled at the smiley face and rolled back over with your phone and note in hand. Class on a Sunday... gross. Your phone vibrated and you looked down to check your messages. It was from Mikasa.

Hurry up and come down stairs. Checkout is in five minutes. 

With those words you launched up and threw your clothes from last night on. Armin was nice enough to fold them for you and put them on the nightstand. You threw on your sneakers and headed out the door running down stairs making it just in time for checkout. Your new friends all greeted you but looked a bit confused.

"Where's Armin?" Connie asked.

"He said he had class."

"Oh yea!" Ymir joined in. "That stupid marine biology shit." For some reason her words angered you. You knew it wasn't a big deal and you knew that she didn't actually think it was stupid but it fired you up. 

"Its not fucking stupid. He likes it. And I think its cool."

Everyone blinked at you.

"I mean... I'm just saying. It's pretty boring and stupid if you asked me who would want to go to class on Sunday. He spends way to much time with his nose in that damn book. To dream about the Ocean? Weird as hell."

"If he likes the book he likes the book. You don't have to be a damn bitch about it." I gritted my teeth.

"Alright guys it's not that serious." Connie added as Sasha fidgeted next to him. I could tell Ymir didn't like my comment and was pissed now.

"Tch, look at you coming to the rescue. Do you have a little crush now? The dick that good?"

"We didn't even go all they way" you mumbled.

"Oh so he only gave you a taste? Figures. Maybe he's not at class. Maybe he went somewhere where he could find someone to fully satisfy him.". She cut me a glare.

"Ymir that's enough" Historia started as she pulled on her sleeve. 

"It's okay Historia." you gave her a soft smile "This is stupid anyway" you turned on your heel and headed for the door.

"Nice going Ymir." Annie spat.

"What! She asked for it!" Ymir followed everyone's gaze until her eyes landed on Mikasa. Ymir's blood turned cold. "Listen Mikasa I didn't mean to upset her I just-"

Mikasa shot her a glare and pushed past her "Move extra." and headed to the door after me.

"Y/n!" she shouted. I kept walking. There was literally no reason for me to be mad. Like I said, we didn't even go all the way. So what did I care? "Y/n slow down!" I started running. Why? I have no fucking clue. "Ugh Y/n slow down!" The hotel was a walking distance from campus so after I ran for a bit I ended up back there. I was so focused on getting away from Mikasa I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and ran into someone's back. I looked up and could tell it was an upper classmen. Great 

"Hey watch where your going brat." One of his friends practically yelled at me. 

"It's okay Levi it was an accident." A familiar voice said and then turned around to look at me.



"What the hell are you running from? It's not Eren again is it?"

"No worse, protective Mikasa"

"Shit. Go!"

"See ya Zeke! I'll tell Eren I bumped into you!" I had wasted a couple moments and Mikasa was hot on my heels. I ran into our dorm building up the stairs and bam! I ran right into another person. Only this time it was Eren. But also accompanied by Renier, Marco, and Armin. How lovely. Just what I needed. I got up and brushed myself off and watched as Eren lay still, sprawled on the floor.

"Wait! Don't move!" I yelled.

"Why?". Moments later Mikasa burst through the door hyperventilating. 

"Look! Eren's hurt!" I yelled and pointed at him.

"No I'm-" Eren began

"WHAT" Mikasa went full on crazy mode. Now was my chance to get away. As Mikasa was engrossed with Eren, I took it upon myself to dash down the hall and too my room. "Hey y/n! Come back!" she yelled after me still holding on to Eren. "Armin go after her."

"Uh okay.." Now he was chasing me down the hall. Wish I was dead right now. I finally reached my door and slammed it shut. "Crap I can't even get privacy." I looked at my phone to see I was added to a group chat titled "Scout Cadets" weird. Anyway, I began scrolling to find that Ymir had apologized and everyone was checking up on me. Mikasa was typing in all caps and was acting like I got shot or something. 

"It's not even that serious, I don't get why she's yelling" you spoke to yourself.

"Who's yelling" a voice spoke

"SHIT" I looked up to find Armin standing above me with his brows furrowed. "How the hell did you get in here?"

"You didn't lock the door."


"Why were you running?" he sat down on the bed next to me. "And what the hell is going on in the group chat?"

"I have no idea" you said with a cheeky smile.

"Your a really bad liar."

"There all making a big deal out of nothing. It was just a little bickering and I needed to cool off. And of course Mikasa has to come to the rescue when I didn't need one in the first place." I stated rolling my eyes. I honestly was embarrassed to tell him why I was so upset. The situation didn't even call for me to be upset. I over reacted to what was not even a full one night stand. I'm such a loser.

"You didn't call me."

"Huh?" I replied.

"I gave you my number, and you didn't call" he said sounding a little disappointed.

"Oh sorry I was so caught up in-"

I was cut off by Mikasa and Eren coming through the door.

"Y/n" Mikasa shouted running over to me. "I'll bet the shit out of  Ymir for you, she was out of line."

"It is just not that serious." you said flatly. "I'm not even mad anymore."

"Well I am." she said crossing her arms.

"I'm still lost..." Eren said "So Ymir said that Armin-" Armin lifted his head up.

"Oh my god! Eren guess who I ran into on the way here!"

"Uh who?"

"Zeke! He says hi."

"Um ok he's literally my brother he could have just texted me. Your dodging the question y/n.".

"I'm hungry" you blurted out.

"I'll be going to the Cafeteria." And with that. You headed out the door. 

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