*Twenty Nine*

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We lost.

How could we fucking loose. We had all the evidence, and somehow they flipped it against us. There was a swarm of news reporters and paparazzi outside when we left. I guess they were there for Porco. I got swarmed with a million questions but Levi stopped me from answering any of them and the guys walked me back to Armin's car.

To summarize what basically happened, we presented all of our evidence, however the judge claimed it wasn't enough. Sure there was proof that Porco had followed us but the recording only picked up him talking to me. Not what happened in the changing room. To make matters worse Levi dragging Porco outside and beating the shit out of him was all recorded. The only thing that was working for us was a witness and our only witness was Niccolo.

When we exited the court room, I caught a glimpse of the judge talking to Porco's parents, he held an envelope with their family seal on it. It all made sense now. They had bribed him to win the case.

I pulled on Levi's sleeve to catch his attention.



"I think they bribed the judge."

"You what?"

"I think they bribed the Jude. Look, at the envelope they just gave him. And his family is loaded so it's a possibility."

"You can't just say things like that."

"I'm not, I'm serious."

"Even if they did, it's too late, the case is closed."

We walked out and I had people shoving microphones in my face paired with camera flashes. Armin took my wrist and led me back to the car as Eren, Connie, and Levi tired to get the reporters away from us.

"Y/n keep walking." Armin said as he held on tight to my arm. Moments before we got into the car someone called my name.

"Y/n wait!"


"Isn't that his brother?" Armin asked getting in front of me.

"Armin it's ok, he's cool."

"Are you sure?"


Marcel ran up to the car, out of breath.

"Y/n I'm so sorry."


"My idiot brother. My parents they... they-"

"Are you gonna spit it out?" Armin said pushing me behind him more."

"Armin relax. What did your parents do."

"They payed the whole court, it was rigged."

I knew it.

"Your fucking kidding me? Y/n were going back in there."

"Armin stop! We can't do that."

"He just told us!"

"So? If we go in then what? Marcel will probably get in trouble too."

"So then what do you suggest we do?"

"I don't know, but we can't do anything now."

"There's something else." Marcel said rubbing the back of his head.

"Great, now what." Armin scoffed.

"Y/n your parents-"

"Of course they're fucking in on it."

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