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My eye's shot open and I looked over to my right to find Armin snuggled into me.

That must have been a dream.

I sat up and felt my head throb. I was careful not to wake Armin and made my way to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and walked into the living room which reeked of vodka. Connie Sasha and Jean were still here, passed out on the floor, Marco must have left last night. I stepped over Connie to get to the fridge to start breakfast and grab some water so I could take some Advil for my headache. I started breakfast, which caused Sasha to wake almost immediately .

"Mmm food."

"Of course you wake up to this." I said shaking my head.

"Smells good." she said reaching for a plate I had just made.

I smacked her hand away which left her disappointed and she walked over to help move Connie out of the floor.

"Ugh he's so heavy...and my head hurts my stomach too."

"Yea cause your hungover...be careful with him don't-"

Sasha dragged Connie causing him to hit his head on the end of the counter with a thud.



"What! He's fine, not like there's anything in there to get damaged."

"I'll have you know you're an idiot too." Connie said now awake in Sasha's arms.


"Your contradicting yourself, you're stupid too."



Ignoring that moment of pure stupidity I caught their attention "Ok guys, who's hungry?"

"ME!" Sasha dropped Connie on the floor and ran over and took the two plates that I had made for her.

Connie walked over to wake Jean up and I went to go see if Armin was awake. He wasn't in the bed and heard to water running in the bathroom.

"Armin?" I said with a knock on the door.


"I made breakfast, come eat when you're done."


I went back to the kitchen to find that Jean was now awake and not very happy.

"My head. This is bullshit."

I pushed the Advil towards him which he happily took. Armin then came out of the bathroom and took in the condition of the living room and kitchen and sighed.

"I hope all of you know you're staying to help clean up. Especially you Jean."

Moments later the door burst open and in came no other than Levi.

"I heard clean."

"Where the hell did you come from?" Connie asked basically terrified.

"Doesn't matter. So, what are we cleaning?"

"Nothing yet." I said."Theres extra breakfast, want some?"

He nodded and walked over to us making a plate and sitting down next to me.

"NOO, THAT WAS MINE." Sasha said lunging at Levi while Connie struggled to hold her back.

"Sasha I made you two plates." I said shaking my head.

"But, I'm still hungry."she whined still fighting.

Levi ignored her and was happy to eat his breakfast. After we were all done we decided to start cleaning up.

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