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~Smut Chapter~

I woke up still cuddled into Armin's chest, my head was foggy and my legs felt like led but I managed to get up anyway. It was around ten past nine so I had a little more then an hour to get ready for class. I dug through Armin's dresser until I found a pair of sweatpants to borrow. I slid them on and stepped into my shoes. I limped over to the nightstand where my phone was to see seven miscalls from Eren and fifteen from Mikasa. She had texted the group chat that I never came back last night and that her and Eren were worried. "Well this is annoying.". 

"What's annoying?" Armin questioned. My head shot in his direction in surprise as I watched him stretch his arms over his head and yawn.

"You scared the shit out of me! And it's nothing, just Mikasa wondering where I was last night." At this point he had his phone in his hand and was scrolling through all the messages we missed. 

@mikasaackerman: Have you guys seen y/n around, she left at eight and hasn't come back yet I'm starting to get worried

@thefounder: Yea she didn't tell us where she was going and she's not answering our calls. it's not like her

@"meat": the last time I saw her was at the cafeteria but that was it

@50%off: Renier and I bumped into her before she went to the cafeteria but I haven't seen her since

@kingjean:Last time I saw her was at the hotel

@queenriess: Ymir and I haven't seen her either

@Axxie: I didn't see her

@Bertdolto: me either

@mymomsatitan:🐒 guys look it's Zeke

@thefounder: stfu Connie

@mikasaackerman: so nobody has seen her? Great. I'm calling the cops.

@thefounder: NO DON'T

@mikasaackerman:why not? this is serous.

@thefounder: maybe she's spending the night somewhere. If she's not back in the morning then we panic but not rn.


*thefounder removed mymomsatitan from the group*

You picked up your clothes that were tossed on the floor and put your phone in your pocket. "I should get going, I've worried Mikasa enough already." you spoke.

"Yea your right," he said before you exited the door "I'll text you about the date" he said with a wink. I totally forgot I asked him that yesterday. I gave him a smile and a nod and headed out the door preparing for whatever verbal lashing I was about to receive from Mikasa. I limped down the hallway and passed the stairwell.  I opted to take the elevator because my legs were not in climbing stairs condition. I reached my floor and walked down the hallway to my dorm. I took my key out and slowly turned it to be careful not to wake Mikasa if she was sleeping. I walked in and closed the door gently only to be met by two death glares. 

"Umm.. surprise?" I said and threw my arms up with a cheeky smile.

"Not funny" Mikasa spoke in a low tone. There were two options here. A: Stay here and get my ass whooped or B: make run for it and try to escape. A was looking like the better option because I was in no shape to run and Eren and Mikasa would catch me in no time.

"Where the hell did you go last night?" Eren asked.

"Um well... you see-"

"What's on your neck...and who's clothes are you wearing?" Mikasa yelled at me.

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