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"Armin?" You have got to be kidding me. Where the fuck did he go? "Nice job Porco. You happy now?".

"Yea I am. He doesn't deserve you."

"Oh my fucking god Porco, mind your business."

"I care about you y/n, a lot."

"If you care so much, stay out of the damn way."


No? What the fuck does he mean no?

"What do you mean no?"

"y/n I-" he paused

"Yes? Speak English please."

"I'm in love with you".


"I love you. In more than a friend way."

Oh. My. God.

"Porco... when did you-"

"For a long time. Since like middle school actually."

This has to be a joke. There is no way he's serious.

"Porco I don't... I'm with Armin."

"I don't get why, what did he do to change your mind? The sex can't be that good. I can do so much better then him" he said walking closer to me.

"First off, back up. Second, I'm not with him for the sex. Third you don't understand what happened with Annie nor am I going to explain because it's personal, so back off."

"No" he said grabbing my arm. "I'm not going anywhere, not when I've finally confessed my feelings."

"You can't keep attacking me just because you didn't like my response."

"y/n please I-"

"Hey! Piss off!" a voice called. Jess? And behind her was Levi.

"Pretty sure she told you she didn't feel the same. So leave her alone." she said.

Porco finally released my arm and backed up a bit.

"I think you should go home." Levi said

"Fine. Y/n... think about what I said"

I most definitely would not be. Porco walked away and got back in his car. He stole one more glace at me but looked away when he saw Levi's death glare. "He pulled out of the parking lot and drove off.

"Thanks guys." I said looking in-between the two of them".

"No problem." Jess said. However, Levi felt differently.

"You have a real problem with men grabbing you."

"Thanks Levi." I said with an eye roll

"I want a green tea this time."


"Yea" he said taking Jessica's arm. "Now, I'm late for my date. I hope you didn't actually fuck him. Armin is really sensitive so if you didn't sleep with that guy, Armin definitely thinks you did."

Not like I didn't already know that.

"I'm gonna go find him. I'll see you guys later." With that I ran into the building up the stairs all the way to Armin's dorm room. I knocked on the door and nobody answered. I started pounding on the door when I heard a muffled 'go the fuck away'. Is he serious. "Let me in! It's not what you think!"

"Forget it y/n. Leave him be ." I heard another voice from inside say.

"Floch? Floch! Open the door let me talk to him."

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