*Twenty Three*

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"Y/n wake up."


"We have to get ready to go to the court house."

"Ugh, I don't wanna."

"Come on get up."


She ignored my plea and ripped the blanket off of me, leaving me cold and exposed.

"Everyone else is ready. Get up."

"I don't want to go."

She sighed and a few moments later I heard the door open, there was some shuffling around and heard footsteps approach my bed.

"Hey love, you gotta get up."

"Armin is that you?"

"Yea come on."

"I'm here too. Hi y/n!"

"Hi Connie."

"Your gonna make us all late, get up." He said nudging me lightly.

"Carry me?" I said sticking my arms out.


"I'll do it!" Connie said coming from behind Armin.

"Nope." Armin said as he leaned down and picked me up bridal style.

"To the bathroom!" I said pointing to the door.

"Can I come?" Connie asked with his head titled to the side.

"No! Wait outside." Armin yelled.

"Aww man."

Armin placed me down on the floor and I stretched my arms over my head yawning.

"Come on y/n you gotta move fast."

"I am!" I said putting toothpaste on my toothbrush.

"Why were you trying to sleep in, in the first place?"

"I've been dreading this to be honest...and I didn't get much sleep."


"Yea, Mikasa woke me up though."

"Hey, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, ok?"

"I know."

"If I'm not there to protect you Levi most likely will be so we have nothing to worry about."

"He does seem to have the best timing."

"I'm telling you he's physic."

We both laughed as my fingers trailed over bruises on his arm. My euphoria was cut short as I was reminded of another court case we both would have to deal with. Armin lightly grabbed my wrist and handed me my toothbrush.

"Come on brush your teeth, I'm ok."

"Are you? Your nose-"

"It's fine, I feel better. It doesn't hurt as much."

"It's all my fault!"

"No it's not! I wanted to come with you, I also started the fight. It was out of your control!"

"I should've just made you stay here!"

"God forbid I did, what do you think would've happened?!"

I didn't answer, I couldn't even muster a glance up at him.

"Listen, I don't want to argue about something that already happened ok?" he said cupping my face in his hands. "I feel fine, it's just some bruising, it'll heal fast. You can't control everything y/n."

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