The Chase Part 1

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As for the last chapter, Lovely Readers, please take care when reading this. :)

Chapter 30

Connie stared at Miles uncomprehendingly. He snapped his fingers in front of her face and asked the question again. "Where's Richard?"

"Oh, he's at work." She finally replied.

"Damn, when's he coming home?" Miles asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't know." She said.

Miles threw his arms up in the air and stalked around the room. He argued with himself about going to get Richard and bring him back to the house, or take care of him there and then return to take care of Connie. Having never been inside the factory, he thought the solution would be to wait for Richard to return, but then there was the body to deal with. Letting out a stream of curses, Miles decided to go to the factory and take Mitch with him. He worked there and so he could show him where to go. Connie would be safe enough here, there would be time enough later for her turn.

Miles dragged Mitch up and out to the Hoying's car. He put Mitch in the back seat and shut the doors on him. Mitch had tired of struggling with his bonds. His wrists were raw and starting to bleed. He lay in the back seat, trying to disappear into the leather. Fear poured from him in waves, fear for Scott, for Scott's parents and Dee and for what would happen next. The drugs were still coursing through his system. Everything was swirling around his head. He closed his eyes to try and stop the dizziness.

Miles made sure Connie and Dee were still out of it in the living room. Dee was snoring and Connie was still in the chair, her head flopped to the side. "Stay." He told them and left to check on his other prisoner.

Scott was still straining against the rope holding him to the pole. He had succeeded in getting one hand nearly free, but when he heard Miles he quickly used his other hand to wrap the loosened rope around his other hand again. Miles took a quick look at Scott and then told him where he was taking Mitch.

"I'm going to go and get your Father now fairy." He taunted Scott. And don't think that your boy toy is going to save the day, he's out cold in the car waiting for me. I'm gonna find something interesting to do with them and then I'm gonna come back and have some fun with you and Mommy."

Scott couldn't keep a horrified expression from forming on his face. "What's happening? What did you do to Mom? Whose blood is that?"

"Don't you worry about that." Miles pulled Scott's head back by his hair and spoke again, spittle flying from his mouth. You shouldn't have stopped me from hurting the little fairy, Sport." At Scott's confused expression, he said "You should have walked on by and let us do our thing."

Scott thought furiously, the drugs already starting to wear off. "Wait do you mean when we were kids?"

"That's right Sport, give the man a cigar. You should have let us do our thing. If you hadn't stopped us that day, the snivelling little shit would have been the one going down with his Dad and not mine!"

"How can you blame Mitch for a freak storm?" Scott asked. "His Dad died that day too. He doesn't blame anyone for what happened. It was a storm, it wasn't anyone's fault."

But there was no reasoning with Miles by this point. He was fixated on causing the Hoying's grief, killing Richard, Mitch and Scott and using Connie in the foulest means imaginable. He'd already got his hands bloody, what were a few more? If he hadn't been in such a worked up state and still high, he might have noticed Scott was partially free. As it was he left Scott alone in the dark again and went upstairs to go and get Richard.


Scott's POV

I renewed my efforts to free myself. The rope was twisted and taut against the pole, but when I tried to pull off the loosened part, I felt it give slightly. I tugged the opposite way to how I was before. I gave myself permission to have a pause, and then started to work at the loose part. Upstairs, I heard the car start up and realized that Miles was taking Mitch away, did that mean Mom and Dee were OK or not? "Fuck." I might never see Mitch again and I had to know if Mom and Dee were OK. I struggled with the ropes again furiously and finally freed my hand. My wrist felt bloody, but I tried to loosen the other side as well. To no avail. My left hand wasn't useless, but without seeing the damage, I was glad I was right-handed.

I heard Mom calling from upstairs. "Scotty? Help!"

'OMG Mom's OK!'

I took a deep breath and tried to think. When Miles had been in the room with me, he had turned on the light. "Think, Scott, think, was there anything in the basement you can use?" I started thinking about the clean out of the pool house Dee and I had done and what we had packed away in the basement.

I remembered the boxes to my left. My fishing gear!

I twisted as much as I could against the ropes and tried to reach over with my foot towards the boxes. I managed to hook one and reached down to feel the contents. It was the one with the gaff! I reached down as far as I could strain with my free hand. I got hold of the gaff and brought the tip up to take the cork off the end. When I'd managed to get it off, I felt around for the knot and slid the end of the gaff into it. I got up as much leverage as I could and started to tug on the hook. The knot loosened. Putting everything I had into it, I got the knot free and started untying the rest of the ropes.

I took the steps two at a time and ran upstairs to find Mom and Dee. Dee was still out cold, but Mom was struggling against her own bonds. "Mom!"

"Scotty! Is the dead guy dead?"

I hugged her and then started untying her. Poor Mom, she appeared really out of it. I got Mom untied and then I checked Dee. She was sleeping and looked comfortable, so I left her alone. I grabbed my phone from the table and checked it was on before calling Avi. I knew calling the Station would be quicker than calling 911. I quickly filled Avi in on what had happened and he assured me he would come immediately. I told him to bring the ambulance and that Miles had taken Mitch to the factory.

"Is he dead?" Mom asked. "The other one? Behind the door."

I walked out into the hall and saw Wendell. Cringing, I bent down to poke his shoulder. "Wendell? You alive man?" The glassy look in the dead guy's eyes was a giveaway. Nope, that guys deader than a door nail. I filled Avi in on that news too. He said he'd call the coroner too. Looking at Wendell's body I had the sudden realization that a murderer had my Mitch.

"Hell, No. No way was that going to continue." I roused Dee as best as I could and told Mom to look after her and drink water. I told them Avi was coming but that I needed to go rescue Mitch and Dad. Connie told me to take her car and I raced out of the door, stopping to grab the keys from the hook by the kitchen. I jumped in the car and drove down the driveway as fast as I could go while still being as safe as I could be.

Not the smartest move I had ever made. I was still feeling disorientated and there was this hideous taste in my mouth. My wrists throbbed and I wrapped a handkerchief around my left one, trying not to look at the blood slowly dripping down my arm and now staining the handkerchief. I got to the factory in excellent time. There was hardly any traffic on the streets and I heard a police siren in the background, but nothing coming this way. I wondered if Avi had sent everyone up to the house or if someone was coming here too.

I stopped next to Dad's old car and pulled the brake. Stepping out into the darkness at the dimly lit factory, I was struck with a renewed sense of urgency and I gathered up my courage and headed inside.

Whatever happened I was going to find Mitch and Dad and stop that madman from hurting the ones I loved.

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