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Chapter 6 - Mitch's POV

I watched Scott approach and just about died. He was totally sex on legs. Blue eyes. My heart raced, it couldn't be could it?

"Hi!" he said.

We all said "Hey" back to him and Kirstie invited him to join us. The only spare seat was next to Avi, but I didn't mind, that meant he was going to be sitting directly opposite me. I was the first to reach across and shake his hand and introduce myself. "Mitch", was it my imagination or did his smile slightly dim at hearing my name?

"Hi Mitch, I'm Scott."

Scott, I was right. I wondered what his middle name was. Kirstie, Avi and Kevin introduced themselves and then he started gushing about how great he thought we had performed. The rest of the group were giggling and down playing the compliments, but I knew what his musical background was and I could tell he was genuine. The next thing he said made me perk up a bit.

"I'm having a bit of time off and staying at my folk's house. I need to get back into creating stuff rather than just playing other people's compositions."

"How long are you staying?" I asked

"I don't know yet." He replied. "I've got two weeks to figure out it this is just a holiday or if I'm going to take a sabbatical. Honestly, I haven't felt the creative juices running for a while. I guess I'm going to see if they come back here or if I have to go further afield to find what it is I'm looking for. As for you guys, I'm surprised I haven't heard of you or come across something you've put out before. You have an awesome sound."

Avi took the lead and explained that we were all kind of killing time before we got out of town. We weren't really confident enough to try to record anything. Scott seemed really surprised. Then he smiled a secretive smile and I wondered what he was thinking. That smile though. Killer.

We sat around chatting and had a couple more rounds on Scott. It was as if he belonged as part of the group. Class differences aside he seemed genuinely interested in us and each of our stories. He had some good ones of his own. Yet he always down played the people in them. It was like he didn't want to toot his own horn. I guess when you have all the girls throwing themselves at you because of who you're working with on a movie, you would become slightly jaded.

Alexis called last round and we all started to get up to walk home. The others lived really close by, I had a bit further to go. After Scott enquired we told him we'd catch up with him the following Saturday night for more Karaoke. The others headed off, I needed to visit the bathroom, before I left too. I found Scott sitting on a car outside when I walked out and was really happy to see him waiting. He wasn't smoking so I wondered if he had a good excuse for sitting there.

"Still here?" I said as I walked towards him.

"Just admiring the view." He replied. "You don't see stars like this in L.A."

I looked up and discovered that he was right. It was a clear night and the stars were out in full force. I moved next to him and we both stared up at them for a while.



We both started to speak at the same time and then we giggled at each other. I motioned for him to go first as he did the same.

I grinned and then said what I was thinking. "You don't look tired. Too much night life in L.A?"

"Not, so much night life. I haven't been putting myself out there lately. I just have a bit of insomnia, I don't usually get to sleep before 1 or 2am if I'm lucky. If it's a bad night it might be 4 or 5."

"Crazy!" I exclaimed.

"I know." he nodded and agreed with me. "I want to sleep, but it's hard to switch of negative thoughts when you're tired." He shook his head and I understood that he hadn't meant to be so honest. "Forget it." He spoke softly and made a sad face.

I knew where he was coming from. I didn't want to overstep, so I awkwardly patted him on the back and mumbled an affirming sound. He put his head back until it rested on his neck and then sighed.

"I guess you have to go too?" He asked looking at me with a questioning expression.

"Not really," I contradicted him. "I don't work tomorrow, so it's no big deal if you want to talk more?"

"Any place around here that does a decent coffee?" He asked.

"We don't have Starbucks, but they serve an OK cup of coffee at the Diner." I informed him.

"Let's go."

We got to the Diner and the older waitress walked over with the coffee pot to fill up the upside down mugs that were waiting on the table. "Do you want to order anything?" She asked with an almost disinterested tone.

"Is the fryer still on?" I asked. Then I ordered a plate of fries when she said it was.

"Share?" I asked him.


While we waited for the fries, I asked him about his music and latest projects in Hollywood. He seemed a bit taken aback for a second as I hadn't raised the fact that I knew his background in front of the others. When I told him I worked for his family at their factory his nose wrinkled adorably as he mentally remembered the smell of the place. "Yeah, I know!" I exclaimed. "Don't worry, I keep my fish clothes separate!"

He smiled and I swear he blushed. Man, it was uncanny how much he reminded me of Rick. The waitress delivered our food and we started to dig in. He asked if it was OK to have ketchup on the fries and I eagerly agreed. He nodded his head towards the ketchup bottle and held out his hand for it. I suddenly stopped breathing as I noticed a small scar on his palm. He saw my look and looked down at his palm to see what I had noticed.

I held my hand out too. An identical scar on my palm.



We grinned like idiots at each other and started speaking a mile a minute.

At the end of a really deep getting to know each other again, conversation, I asked him if he still had them. He smiled, blushed and obviously knew exactly what I was referring to when he asked. "The photos?"

"Yes." I nodded and smiled.

"Yes." He smiled back at me and I didn't know if I was interpreting that smile properly but my heart started racing again and I really wanted to kiss him again. Instead I reached out one hand and touched his. He smiled and clasped my hand in his.

Next... Mitch's POV - Flashback to the last summer.

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