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Chapter 21 - Mitch's POV

"Hip, Hip, Hooray!" I said out loud. "I get to see the surprise!"

I grinned like a mad thing and then ran around like a headless chicken, throwing things randomly on the bed. Get a grip Mitchell I said and thought about what I really needed. Toiletry bag, change of clothes, those extra things in case of fun! Pyjamas. What else? Shower, change. Flick the latch and hope he gets here soon!

I got cleaned up and threw on some fresh clothes. Scott ran up the steps and came in the door just as I was zipping up my boots. He panted slightly and then grabbed me up and planted a big one on my eager lips. "Hi!"

"Hi yourself!"

"OK, I've got everything I need. Take me to the surprise Scotty."

Scott bounced up and down on his toes and made a really wacky excited face that gave him like triple chins. I cracked up laughing and said, "You look so funny!"

He grabbed my case and said "Come on, come on, let's go!"

We rushed out of the apartment, after flicking the latch, then down to the car. Scott threw my case in and jumped in himself as I got in. We buckled up and Scott eagerly started the car for the drive back to his place.

"I can't wait for you to see it!" He said. "But you have to wear the blindfold."

"Scott." I whined. "Really, a blindfold, what are we like 11 years old?"

"Pretty please?" He looked at me and batted his eyelashes.

"Anything for you Babe!" I gave in. He was so adorable. I really wanted to put it on him. Some other time. Maybe some silk ties around his wrists too. Mmmmmmm.

"What's that devilish smile for Mitch?" Scott asked me.

"Oh, just thinking about blindfolds. And silk ties."

The look he gave me out of the side of his face was priceless. It was like, Holy Crap did he just say that and then Mmmm I wonder???? "Don't worry Babe, if you're not into kink I can totally deal."

"Um, just being a bit naughty?" He hesitantly asked.

"Yeah, like that."

"We could talk about it I guess." He shrugged.

Be still my heart! "So no pain but a little bondage might be OK?"

He gave me another scrunchy face look and raised his shoulders. But it wasn't a definite 'No.' Soooooo maybe. OK I can work with that.

I wriggled around in the seat until I could reach his ear, leaned in until my mouth was right there and said in a quiet voice, "Anything you have fantasies about you can tell me you know."

I felt his smile against my skin and he chuckled and tipped his head so his neck was exposed to my mouth. I needed no further invitation, I started kissing him until I hit a ticklish bit and he pulled back laughing. We were both laughing as we drove into the property where he parents lived. I hadn't seen it by day, so I had no idea it was so impressive. The gardens were kind of jungly on the fence line, further in there were large expanses of lawn and then the landscaped garden started. "Wow this is beautiful. Does your Mom spend all her time in the garden?"

"Not all of it, she's too busy with her Rotary Club stuff and being a social butterfly. There's a guy who lives down the hill who comes in when he's needed. I think he does one or two days a week when there's not much happening, but sometimes he does more, like when things need cutting back and when Mom wants new things planted. Dee has an herb and vegetable garden too. We used to have someone looking after the pool regularly but Mom & Dad don't really use it much anymore so it's kind of green at the moment." He pulled a 'Yuck' face and then smiled again.

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