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Chapter 8

Scott's POV

I didn't leave until Mitch was out of sight. He disappeared into the darkness and I almost had the feeling it was all a dream that I'd wake up from. I closed my eyes and told myself it was real, it truly was Coby/Mitch, he was real, here and now and not only that, but he was perfection. His appearance was not the only thing that was completely devastating. He was still sweet.

No matter what had happened in his life in the time we had been apart, no matter what he had been through, he still had that smile. He was kind and expressive, and even though he vagued when we were talking, I think that might have something to do with memories not what I was saying.

I knew I was having serious flashbacks to our last summer together, especially that last day. When we realized we weren't dreaming and said each other's names and clasped our hands together... I just about died. It all flashed before me again and I started dribbling nonsense about work, the Orchestra, Mum and Dad and anything else silly that popped into my head. I guess catching someone up on over 5 years of history in 10 minutes is impossible. My fingers nervously played with my jacket under the table. It was all I could do not to reach out for his hand again.

His features had changed a bit with the extra years and not in a bad way. The maturity added something real to the smirk with dimples he shot at me, it made me feel like he had lived and was no longer the inexperienced youth of our past. Up close he was definitely hot. Totally my ideal partner. Not because I knew I could just fold him into my arms and stay like that for hours, but because he was built. Yes he was petite, small bones don't stack on a bunch of muscle without looking wrong. But for his size, he was built. He had a light beard and I just wanted to stroke it.

That smirk though. He's added the head tilt and the eyebrow raise to it. And that smile when he really lets go... Woah. But his eyes were the most amazing. They still had that sparkle. I felt like they were drawing me in to drown in chocolate depths.

'Scott, get your head back in the game. If you keep staring you'll put him off.' I kept dribbling nonsense that didn't really require much in the way of a response. I was lucky that I could entertain a crowd these days, especially with the industry I was in. Developing that skill hadn't been easy, but Mitch had started the ball rolling back then, by encouraging me to talk. I finally asked a question that needed and answer and saw him come back to the present.

He smiled and told me about his plans for getting out of town and the lack of direction that the group had due to small town thinking. I didn't even pause to consider the decisions I was making, I just knew I had to make a difference for Mitch and the rest of the group. A good thing I knew exactly who to organise everything through. It would mean approaching my parents the right way, and converting the pool house? Maybe the garage? No I didn't want anything to go wrong and I knew Miles would be a problem if I tried to change the garage. Pool house it was. I'll discuss it with Dad tomorrow afternoon after sounding out Mom as soon as I see her.

In that moment I knew I wasn't going to return permanently to L.A. I'd give Janene a call and organize some things over there. I'd get her to send me some more things and I'd get her to look after the mail and stuff. I was lucky she had a key, in case of emergencies, last time I was away everything had piled up until she made me let her help. I smiled and acknowledged the lifting weight from my shoulders. I had found a new passion, it just happened to be wrapped up around a brunette bombshell, but I couldn't assume I had any chance there.

I had to try though didn't I? How to let him know I was interested? I paid and tipped the waitress quite well, mostly for leaving us alone to talk without interruptions. When Mitch told me where he lived I took a deep breath and stopped him from walking away to ask to meet up again. I couldn't wait an entire week. To see the others yes, to see Mitch again never.

When he agreed to breakfast, I knew I had a shot. You don't make a breakfast date with someone if you're not interested right? I was so happy to be seeing him again so soon I forgot his real name and called him Coby. It wasn't awkward though, he gave that devastating grin again and called me Rick.

I drove home and pulled into the garage. Miles appeared shortly after I turned the engine off and asked how my night had gone.

"Great, Thanks."

"Your Father asked that you put the keys on the peg board in the entry to the kitchen."

"No problem, thanks." I nodded and headed in that direction. As I turned away, I felt that off feeling again. I turned back, sure enough he was watching me leave. i couldn't tell from his expression what he was thinking, but whatever it was, it could not be good. Nope Garage is definitely a no go. As I walked into the kitchen, I saw Dee. She looked like she was getting some recipes organised for tomorrow. I asked her if she could make something portable for breakfast for two and she spent a few minutes grilling me on my night. Then she asked "So, did you have fun?"

"I'm asking you to make breakfast for two for tomorrow, so I guess that's a yes!"

"And, who is the lucky guy?"

"D-d-d-ee," I stuttered.

"I love you Honey. I don't care who you love as long as they are worthy of you."

I smiled and gave her a huge hug. "He's one of the group you told me about actually."


A stared at her like she'd grown an extra head.

"It was simple deduction Honey." She said. "I figured out years ago who you were spending your summers with. There aren't too many people who go by the name Coby in this small town. Your parents might not know his but I did." Then her face fell as she remembered Mitch's father had passed. "He's a good boy you know. His Mom really needed him when Mike's boat went down with all hands. He stayed and made sure his Mom was OK until he figured it was time for her to get out in the world again."

"He was the first boy to kiss me." I told someone out loud for the first time. "It was the day before I flew to New York."

"He changed things didn't he?"


"You finally figured it out. I knew you would." She smiled and touched my face. "You always put everyone and everything before your own happiness. Maybe it's time you figured out what you want out of life before you wrinkle up into an old prune like me." She kissed my cheek to take the sting of her words away. "I'll be rooting for you Sweetheart."

I blushed and ducked my head.

"You go on upstairs. Have a glass of water and get some sleep. I'll make something you can take with you in the morning and I'll make sure you're up in time to head out."

I nodded gratefully and went up to get some sleep. Before getting into bed, I sent Nigel a text and asked him to start making enquiries on his end. I'd get Janene to investigate transportation. Converting a space into a recording studio was going to take some effort. But if all went to plan I could record Mitch and his friends and maybe my own songs too. Maybe combine the two? I had packed the cassette tape from that summer. Maybe I'll listen to it again tomorrow.

Sleep eluded me for a while. I kept remembering the feeling of Coby's hands on my face and how it had made me feel, deep in the pit of my stomach. Then I remembered the last day of sunbathing, his hands rubbing sun screen into my skin and the kiss. I found myself breathing faster and realized I had begun to get excited. Well that was a surprise. I hadn't felt anything worth getting excited about for some time. Not even Ben could get things happening without direct contact. It made me realize how much I'd let things drag on between us when I should have ended them. But thinking about Coby then and Mitch now...

I recalled the way his face had lit up on stage. His amazing vocal range and how effortless he had made hitting the high notes seem. The cute way he held the microphone, his smile during the solo, where he put his left hand on his chest as if to hold himself in. Like he would burst if he couldn't sing. The way the spotlight hit his hair and reflected from the deep pools of his eyes. The rest of the group receded into the blurred background. My vision was filled with Mitch.

I smiled, rolled over and went to sleep. I dreamed of him. I dreamed of us. Of what could be.

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