Oh Daddy!

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Wow! Everyone, this story had reached 1000 reads already! Thanks so much for the wonderful comments and for all the favourites! You are all Lovely! PS This is basically all smut, so you have been warned. :) Also this chapter just got rated R, OMG! Teehee!

Chapter 19 - Mitch's POV

After Scott made up his mind to come inside with me, I knew what would happen. It feels like I've been waiting to get him alone and naked for years. Well I guess that's pretty true. It wasn't just because of that last summer though, getting to know him better the last few days was pretty wonderful too. He didn't feel like a stranger to me. He felt like a close friend, one I hadn't seen in a while. But you know how you can meet someone, spend an hour with them and not see them again for a year and it's like you never stopped the conversation next time you see them again? Being with Scott was like that.

I wanted to get him naked right then and there, but I also knew it would be all the sweeter if I took my time. I was going to have to seduce him. Good thing that was something I had no trouble with at all. I knew exactly what my smirk did to Scott, and I used it to full advantage. I offered him a drink to help get over the nerves, but his answer was a total turn on when he said he wanted to be sober, in the moment with me, knowing what we were doing was real.

The last few hook ups I'd had, the drunker I was the better. I didn't really want them touching me at all, and if I had to put up with their hands on me I needed the fogginess alcohol offered to make it bearable. Meaningless, I felt nothing. I didn't even get off with one of the lazy sods. The creep just rolled off once he'd got his and left me. Some guys were just jerks. They think jerking you off is giving you something. Wrong! I can get myself off faster, better and harder than you ever could. Put some effort in and at least go down on me. Thanks for nothing Mister Lazy. That was the day I decided to wait for something better. At least I was healthy, relatively happy and now suddenly about to get seriously happier!

I took off the beanie and smoothed my hair down, and then I walked over to Scott and reached up to put my arms around his neck. I made sure he was standing next to the couch and encouraged him to 'fall' on it. Don't people understand I'm not a lightweight? If I want you to be on the make out couch, there you will go!

I straddled his hips and got up close to his face so I could seriously kiss him. His lips danced upon my own. That tongue of his.... Damn he can kiss. I saw something flash behind his eyes as we pulled back to breathe.

"Earth to Scotty!" I said and snapped my fingers in front of his face. I wondered what he was thinking about so hard. Was it me or someone else? Then he asked that question, and all the thoughts I was having flew away. Fuck, what I wanted to do to him, with him, for him. How many ways do I want you? Let me count them! I told him I wanted to use everything to get him to that OMG I can't take it anymore edge of the abyss. Then I watched as his eyes got wider as he processed my request. I leaned closer and kissed him again.

This time I wanted to give him the hickey he was talking about on the phone with me during out little "phone sexploration" I'll freely admit it, I want my mark on his neck. It will say "Back Off Bitches, This One's Taken".


I slowly leave a trail of feather light kisses down his to his chin, along his amazing jaw and down his neck. 'I need you to move your head, there like that Scott.' I kept kissing, then licked his skin like I'd wanted to for so long. Salty. I heard Scott start to take faster breaths as I changed to sucking. He started to make little sounds of pleasure as I nibbled the skin around my mark. I could feel other things getting happier too.

Feeling Scott's erection pressing against me from underneath, really got me going too. The little noises he was making and then that moan though. I was driving him wild and that was making me feel awesome. "That's a good one." I said to him as the mark started getting darker. 'Mine, all mine.' It shouted and I acknowledged that little voice saying yippee, especially when he asked for another. My smirk wasn't forced at all, it was all I could do to stop myself from shouting 'Hell Yes' out loud.

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