Scratching The Itch

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Language Warning Lovely Readers. Avoid the itallics due to use of homophobic slurs. :)

Chapter 16 - Mitch's POV

I filled the last box coming past my station and let out a sigh of relief. Lunch had been fabulous, but it was really inconvenient that a decent lunch made me want to find a comfy corner somewhere and go to sleep, rather than going back to work when time was up. However, the day was officially done and I could go home and get de-fished. It was a relatively short walk home, but this was one of those times I wished I had a car so I could drive home at the speed of light. I wanted to get ready for Scott tonight and get in some more scribbling.

Avi and Kirstie were really great at writing songs and Kevin and I had written a couple together. I wanted to put ideas up to the group, but when the others read their stuff it was always so good, we'd go ahead and work on theirs. I was really good at arranging, getting riffs and parts in that suited all our voices. Avi & Kevin's parts we usually worked out first because they were the parts that kept the song flowing. We worked out who was lead and where it would change up or someone else would take over and then worked in the harmonies. Actual songs we were practicing that I had written by myself? Zip. I usually didn't mind, but every now and again I wished I had the courage to put some of my scribbles up for consideration. Especially that melody that had been itching at me.

There was this one song I had been arranging lately, it was based on the melody that was stuck in my head. I kept hearing a baritone singing certain words and I hadn't been able to get it out of my mind until I had put pencil to paper and written parts. Trouble was even though it was stuck there, I couldn't put it up to the group as it wasn't strictly mine. We could cover it, but I didn't konw all the lyrics and I couldn't quite put my finger on where I had heard it. There was this image in my head of a piano and the back of someone seated at it. It was hazy and indistinct and always seemed to fade when I tried to bring it forward.

I had been adding Baritone parts to our songs for the last couple of years. If we had an additional voice we could totally astound the patrons at Stacey's. There was something just sitting there that was begging to be explored. Sometimes I picked out parts when Kirstie and Avi sang together that were both tenor and baritone. It didn't always work, but I gave it a shot. I was more comfortable in the higher register and so I daydreamed about someone adding that harmony that would kill it.

Mostly I stuck to what I was comfortable singing, but I was getting more confident with rapping and wanted to give that a go next time. I had worked out a few lines I wanted to try. Thing was, it would have to be the right kind of song. We were still experimenting with our sound but it wouldn't be too long before we had something we really liked. I hoped we had the chance to put something down before I left. Leaving was getting less appealing lately though. I wonder if Scott's decided how long he'll stick around?

I got home and put a few more ideas down on paper before realizing what the time was. I flicked the latch open before I jumped into the shower. If Scott's early he can come in and make himself at home.

Scott's POV

My notebook was filling up with words, ideas, melodies that I wanted to make into songs. I could see parts of songs but trying to get a whole song out of a melody or a riff wasn't my strong suit. Although writing harmonies that fit a melody was easy for me. It was the bringing it all together part that was hard. I really wanted to listen to Mitch's group perform again, especially in the studio. I wanted to listen to Avi & Kevin and figure out the driving beats they used and the range of percussion sounds Kevin could actually make. He was obviously crazy talented. I hadn't come across someone as talented as Kevin outside the rap community.

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