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Another long one lovely readers! :)

Chapter 11

Mitch's POV

OMG, I'm being held in Scott's arms. He wants me here in his arms. I couldn't help it, my stupid eyes started leaking again. They weren't sad tears though. I can't believe this is real. It was as if the last few years had been wiped away. Those stupid boys who didn't appreciate me didn't matter, those creeps who abused me and made my life a misery were all dumped along with the trash. My broken heart, with its scars, nicks and bruises started to mend. The biggest tear that had happened the day I said goodbye to the man in whose arms I was being held, disappeared. Like it had never existed.

Scott's POV

I held Mitch in my arms and could not have been happier. It was the best feeling. I could feel his breathing slow down. He got calm and quiet, the tears stopped falling and he relaxed against me. I was no longer holding an upset, distressed stranger. I was holding someone I considered special. Someone I wanted to know, someone I wanted to trust, someone I wanted to love, someone I wanted.

Mitch's knees were starting to become a problem. I needed him to shift position, but I didn't want to be the first to move away. I tried to move my leg and felt him pull away.

"Sorry." He said and made to get off my lap.

"No," I refused to let him go. He moved back anyway. I moved my legs and stretched out more comfortably. "Get in here." I said and motioned back in to my chest. He grinned and came back in for another hug. Lying against my chest, one leg straddled over mine so he would fit. I held his head and stroked his hair. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours.

Not speaking, just existing in each other's arms.

I was so comfortable in this position that I felt myself starting to close my eyes and fall asleep. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and set an alarm so I wouldn't sleep through my meeting with Dad. Mitch looked up at me, his eyes also looked heavy. I smiled softly, kissed his forehead and we went to sleep.

We were startled out of sleep by the alarm buzzing. I didn't want to leave, but I had to make this meeting if I wanted my future plans to be put into motion. Mitch hopped up and gave me a helping hand to get up too. I stretched and rotated my head on my neck to work the kinks out.

"I guess you have to go, huh?" He said.

'Yeah, I don't want to, but I made plans with my Father for a Father/Son chat." Insert air quotes here.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asked.

"I don't have any plans so far, but I need to be open to their plans if Mom & Dad need me to be free. How about I text you if I can get out tonight?"

"That would be awesome." He grinned as I grabbed my phone to punch his number in.

I stood at the door and my feet just stopped. I didn't want to leave. I turned and he was right behind me. I grinned, so did he. I opened my arms and he moved in towards me. Our eyes closed as we kissed again. This time not so tentatively. My hands moved to cup his head and his slipped round my waist. His lips teased mine and this time I opened my mouth at his request. Our tongues teased each other and I wanted more. No time now though, Dammit.

"Raincheck?" I requested.

"Text me later." he said and smirked at me. I really wanted to say something indecent about my reaction to that particular expression on his face. It might not be obvious to him, but my pants suddenly got more uncomfortable.

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