Daily Grind

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Chapter 4 - Mitch's POV

Waking up, I groaned and rolled over towards the side of the bed. I sat up and rubbed my face before heading for the shower. I was going to need another one when I got home from work, but I really needed one now to wake and loosen up. Last night had been a disaster, I'd had too much to drink and hit on some random guy. He looked interesting, not the usual type to come in and it was just as well I didn't try again after my sixth beer, because he had been loud and abusive in his rejection. Thank goodness Avi and Kevin had been there.

I so didn't need anyone getting physical with me before a full day on the line. Sex is different. I can handle being uncomfortable, if it was worth it. If it's just forcing myself to stand still when I need to move so I don't stiffen up, that's a whole other level of torture to force yourself to endure.

Win some and lose some, that's how you play the game. But it was a game I was tired of playing. Everyone around me seemed to be in a relationship. Being a smallish town, people tended to pair up early. And while Kevin was single, Kirstie and Avi were kind of a thing. I had no one in my life that stayed for any length of time and it was starting to make me feel worthless. Didn't I deserve happiness too?

I rinsed my hair and got out of the shower, dried off and got dressed for the day. Grabbing a piece of toast on the way out the door, I made sure my thermos was full of coffee and I had my I.D. Card. I pulled into the parking lot and joined the throng heading in to start work. 'Another day, another dollar.' Some random person said next to me. 'Yep.' I agreed and kept walking. If you aren't on my line, I don't know you and I try to keep to myself.

Work relationships are another level of complications. I didn't need any. Random hook ups are unfulfilling and I'm really sick of waking up to the sound of someone leaving. OK so I'm not talking heaps of encounters, but I would love it if someone spent the night and didn't try to sneak out first thing in the morning. I love cuddles. I didn't get too many, except when I went to my folk's place. Being held in someone's arms.... Absolutely the best thing ever, well, almost!

I can't remember the last time I was truly happy with someone. A real adult relationship that lasts for more than 3 months? My last lengthy relationship was with Mark. I had got up the nerve to ask the new cute guy on the line out. He was tall, muscular, good looking with that jock-look about him. Short red-tinged hair, excellent ass, nice back, long legs. All round yummy goodness. He said yes too! We went on a few dates. We made out in his truck before we went all the way at his place one night after pizza and too many beers.

He was attentive, he enjoyed being with me and yet, we never seemed to make it past the one night stand vibe. We dated for a while after. The sex was OK, I just never got the feeling he was there in the moment with me besides the actual getting off part. He wasn't big on cuddling, or talking after and I guess I got sick of being treated nicely in the lead up to the bedroom and then like nothing more than a hookup afterwards. I decided to break it off. He was fine with it, I found out later he was having a side deal with another co-worker. He still came on to me if we were at the same bar and he was feeling the itch. But I'm not scratching that anymore.

So no more work relationships thank you very much.

The radio channel changes to ClassicalSounds FM.

"Now presenting Scott Hoying and Rebecca Massey from The Hollywood Symphony Orchestra presenting Brain Crain's Rain"... Came the voice over the radio. The music started and I cocked my head to the side listening while my hands automatically reached out for more fish to pack into the box I was filling. I was listening so intently to the music, I almost forgot where I was and what I was doing in that moment. But the piece, while beautiful was too slow and on too softly to compete with the noise of the line. I regretfully pulled my attention away and got back into the repetitive movements that made my shoulder joints ache by the end of the day.

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