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Chapter 3 - Scott's POV


It was always the same, the first day of summer vacation we'd meet at the jetty. We'd head off with hats, sun screen, towels and a packed lunch and hang around the rock pools. Sometimes Coby's Dad let us take the dingy over to the small islands close by and look for bird's eggs and do other things kids get up to. I tried my first cigarette with Coby, we snuck our first beer together and I even tried out tagging one of the Welcome signs at the entrance to our town with him. We were never really up to no-good though. He was a nice kid who I had fun with, doing things kids do.

He was a fine boned, brunette with the most amazing eyes. Lush pouty lips and an infectious grin that really made an appearance when we were arguing about music. His taste was so weird. He liked all that electronic music that people listen to at raves. Give me Mozart, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky any day. There is so much feeling in classical music. Oh and I love all the female singers that do ballads. All I get from his style is a headache. OK... so some things are not too bad, at least he appreciates a good musical too. We'd sing solos from our favourites to each other and giggle when we get funny looks.

That last summer we were together, Coby was different. We were a bit older and I could tell he looked at me differently than he had before. I wasn't sure what it was, but the last day we had together we ended up swimming at our favourite beach before singing duets from Rent and Wicked. Coby usually took the higher register voice role and I took the lower one. I absolutely loved that I could sing with him. Mom wanted me to concentrate on playing the piano. I did it for her, but my real passion was singing. I almost couldn't tell him I was leaving.

That last day was the best ever. Coby had brought us a beer each from his father's stash, along with our lunches and usual water bottles and after the swimming and singing, the food and drink had been welcome. We spread out our towels on the empty beach and baked in the sun. I made sure to give myself a good layer of sun screen before the baking, getting Coby to get my back for me. I still didn't tan very well. My skin was too pale. But by the end of the summer I usually had a light tan that gave me some colour and bleached my hair an even lighter blonde. After a final swim, we made our way home, stopping at the jetty and the ice cream stand there. We ate our cones, strawberry for Coby and chocolate for me.

As we finished our cones, I finally told Coby I was heading away to stay with my Aunt in New York. Mom had got me an audition at Juiliard and I had made the final placement selection after nailing my Rachmaninoff piece. I didn't want to leave again, because next time there would be no summer vacation. My Aunt was a professional musician and knew what was needed to get me on the fast track. She was going to do everything she could to further my career because I was her only nephew.

Coby grabbed my hand and took me inside the photo booth at the beginning of the jetty. We sat in there giving ourselves the illusion of privacy as he got the whole story out of me. I was leaving in the morning and there was nothing we could do to change it. My future was mapped out.

"I'm really going to miss you Rick." He said as tears welled up in his eyes.

"I'll miss you too, Coby." I assured him. "You're my best friend. I can't imagine finding anyone in New York half as fun as you."

"I'm sure you'll find friends." he assured me. "You're too great not to."

"I'll write if you tell me your address."

"Let's just keep it simple OK Rick. There's one thing I want though."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Since we're here in this booth, I want a photo to remember you by." He pushed back his hair, wiped his eyes and smiled.

"Oh no," I exclaimed. "I'm probably sunburned and I have this zit."

"It doesn't matter," he assured me, digging into his pockets for change. "Come on, I've got enough for half, do you have the other half?"

I put the money in the slot and we looked ahead at the camera. The first shot was of us looking straight ahead, the second making silly faces, the next, we were hanging all over each other trying to look from awkward angles and make the silliest photo ever. The last one was different. Coby grabbed my face between his hands and kissed me, our faces side on towards the camera. I closed my eyes at the sensation of his slightly rough fingers caressing my face and his soft lips against my own.

As he pulled away after the camera had flashed, I blinked at him.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Don't freak out, Blondie." he said and grinned. "Just giving you something to remember me by. I get the photo though!"

We got out of the booth and waited for the strip to fall. I took it out of the machine carefully and looked at the slowly developing pictures. The first shot had Coby smirking at the camera, it showed his dimples and I loved it. Me I looked a bit apprehensive. The next two were so funny. But It was the last that held my attention. I couldn't believe how it made me feel. Tingly and warm all over. I wasn't disgusted or freaked out by it, it looked nice. Coby ripped the last one off and said I got to keep the rest so my parents didn't lose it if they saw it. I reached my hand up to stop him and looked at it one last time.

One last time... If I'd only...

That image was burned into my brain. It was the tipping point that made me realize I was attracted to him. All the looks he had given me that last summer, the gentle hand on my back applying sun screen, the kiss. All of it made sense. No wonder we didn't talk about girls, I guess it took me a while to realize it. I liked boys, specifically this boy. He turned and smiled.

"Bye Rick." He waved and ran down the pier. I never saw him again.

"Good bye." I whispered.

I wanted to run after him and pull him back into the booth. But it was too late. I didn't even know where he lived and I would be gone in the morning. That summer had changed me, I realized that I was going to do exactly what my Mother and Aunt wanted and expected. But I was also going to try to start living my life as honestly as possible. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, turned on my heel and walked home.

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