What's Going On?

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Kier POV

I found Luke sitting on the bathroom floor with his head in his knees. I sit down in front of him and he lifts his head. His eyes are red and puffy and his face is wet from tears. I almost feel sympathetic for the guy.

"What are you doing here?" Luke asks looking up at me.

"What's going on? Why were they being mean to you like that? Aren't they your friends?" I ask multiple questions and Luke just bursts back into tears. I let him cry till he calms down again.

"I-I-" he stutters trying to form a response. I lean in a bit closer to I can hear him better, his voice is quiet and broken up. He looks down away from me and back up, his eyes meeting mine. Luke comes forward more towards me and pushes me down onto my back and straddles me.

"Luke what the hell are you-" he cuts me off with his lips against mine. I kiss back for a second and he bites my bottom lip. I let out a small moan before I realize what I'm doing then push him off of me.

"Fuck I'm.. I'm so sorry.. Kier I didn't mean to.. I'm sorry." he grabs his bag and runs out leaving me sitting on the ground processing what had just happened. Did Luke just come out to me? More importantly, why did I kiss back and why did he get such a reaction from me?

Luke POV

I can't believe I just did that. I just kissed Kier. He kissed back for a second and I made him moan. I fucking turned him on. But how? He's dating Laurence. That's probably why he rejected me, right? Because he has a boyfriend? Would he go out with me if Laurence wasn't with him? I find myself getting increasingly jealous of Laurence dating Kier. Kier's lips were soft, they were magical, and I don't get to have them. They aren't mine. He isn't mine. He and his beautiful lips and body belong to Laurence. I want them to be mine. Laurence can touch him, hold him, kiss him, make love to him, and I can't. He isn't mine. He should be mine. He will be mine.

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