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Laurence POV

I wake up in the nurse's office with a throbbing pain on my face. I lift my hand and touch the spot where it hurts and wince at the stinging pain.

"Oh you're awake!" the nurse says walking over to me and inspecting my face. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Um.." I try to recall what happened but I can only remember walking to class. "No I don't."

She frowns and explains simply that I had gotten into a fight. Why would I ever be in a fist fight?

Kier POV

The little shit that punched Laurence and I got sent to the principle's office for fighting. I wait outside the door as he talks in the office. He's going to get slack for being the principle's son.

After about ten minutes or so he comes out and smirks at me before walking away. I give him a threatening look as he leaves before I'm called in. I sit down at the large desk once again but this time alone.

"So you and my son Matt have gotten into a fight, hm?" he says not even facing me. I guess Matt is his name, I'll have to remember that.

"I was only defending my friend" I mutter in annoyance.

"Violence is never the answer" the principle looks at me, his eyes seem like they're piercing into me.

"He attacked him first!" I retort getting angrier.

"Don't raise your voice at me! Where is your respect? Did you lose it when you became homosexual?"

"That doesn't even make any FUCKING SENSE!" I yell at him and stand up to leave.

"You are NOT leaving" he stands up as well. I turn to him and glare.

"Watch me." I snarl and slam the heavy door behind me as a begin towards the nurse's office where I know Laurence is laying.

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