Did You Start It?

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Luke POV

After school I decide to hang out outside the school for a bit, just to see if anyone in particular decides to face me.

"LUKE!" I hear someone yelling my name and turn my head to where it's coming from. Exactly who I thought.

"Kier!" I smile and put my arms out, gesturing for a hug. Kier pins me to the wall with one hand on the wall and one on my throat but not enough to choke me.

"Did you start the rumor?" he asks with obvious rage.

"Rumor? What are you talking about?" I answer sounding innocent.

"You know what I'm talking about" his grip on my throat gets slightly tighter.

"Choking me? Kinky." I smirk. "Our faces are pretty close, wanna make up and make out?"

"No!" Kier steps away from me but keeps his glare. "Now tell me, did you start this rumor?"

"No. I didn't. But I know who did."


"Matt" I lie.

Kier POV

Luke admits to knowing who the rumor starter was, and from the way he said it, I feel like he was telling the truth. I nod to him and leave, going straight to Laurence who was waiting for me. I tell him who it was and my plan to get back at Matt starts to form.

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