I Want To See Thine Justice With My Own Eyes

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3rd person POV

Summer rains, you can never predict them. You never know if it'll be scorching hot or rainy that you forget to bring a jacket. Monsoons really suck. But for the students at Shujin Academy, the social studies trip is on everyone's minds. They go somewhere close to them to study what is important to the plot.

Akito: Social studies trip does sound fun. TV station trip sounds awesome. I want to see how my favorite shows are made and ready to air.

Kagura: It's like exploring the body without using a special camera to look inside.

We were walking with Ren after saying goodbye to Mishima.

Akito: I get the feeling that we're being watched.

Kagura: Maybe it's because you've been watching ghost hunting shows a lot the other night. Stop freaking out over something silly.

Akito: It's not a ghost! I'm not like Ann or that tomboyish girl who likes martial arts movies all day.

Next day

Kawakami: Everyone is going to split into groups. Be sure to follow instructions by the staff. And don't cause any trouble.

Akito's POV

So this is how most of our shows we watch comes on the screen. From commercials, sounds, camera angles, etc. Wonder how it works for the radio.

Happy guy: Look at you.

Hold the phone. Is that guy compromising Ann?

Happy guy: You want to be a star? You got a perfect body. So firm and tight. Feel free to call me anytime. Day or night, I'll always take your call.

You son of a bitch. Get away from her.

Ryuji: Are they effin serious with this stuff? We're not interns we're here to—

Ryuji sees two people with a director. A woman in a blue dress, possibly a manager or promoter. And a young girl, our age, wearing a school uniform. She has a little accessory on her left side of her hair.

Ryuji: She's a celebrity. She even walks differently. Do you know who she is?

Mishima: She's actually super popular. She's a star shogi player. I wonder if there's any other stars around here?

Me: Shogi is okay. Grandma taught me some basics of the game back in elementary school. Mom plays me sometimes. Only won one game against her.

Kagura: I'd prefer checkers.

Outside the station

Ryuji: Should've gone to the instant ramen factory. TV station was a bad choice.

Kagura: For once blondie. I agree with you. A musical instrument facility or radio station.

Me: I hear that. Where'd our homeboy Mishima go?

Ren: Probably exploring. I guess.

Ryuji: So effin bored. I knew a TV station would be a letdown.

Morgana: No flaking out Ryuji. All of this is part of the Phantom Thieves' job. Living an honest assuming life.

Ryuji: That's exactly my point. If I suddenly became a good student, wouldn't that be weird?

Morgana: Stop quiveling.

Ryuji: Guess I can hold out a bit longer. Man I am actually nervous.

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