Is it Our Fault?

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Last time, the group was celebrating their triumph over Kunnikazu Okumura as they went to Destinyland. After watching Okumura's press conference, they watched in horror as Okumura was twisting and turning and spewing black blood and then pronounced dead. Haru did not take it that well. What is next for the Phantom Thieves?

Akito's POV

What in God's name did we just witness? A press conference ending with someone dead. His graphic display was something out of a horror movie. After seeing that, what must Haru be thinking right now? 

Makoto: Sudden cardiac arrest? 

Ryuji: Haru's dad... he'll pull through, right? 

Me: Not likely. Cardiac arrest has low chance of recovery right behind strokes and kidney failure. 

Makoto: Akito is right. There is a chance but some don't pull through and it will lead to a coma, then leading up to a confirmed death. 

Futaba: Haru...

Kagura: Can't imagine what that poor girl must be going through. 

Yusuke: I have to ask: are we responsible? 

Ryuji: Of course not. It was a change of heart. We've done it plenty of times before. 

Me: And all this time, I've said that no one has died in our watch. 

Morgana: Is it our fault? 

Rain was pouring down across Shibuya. What a fitting environment for this type of crisis. 


Haru messaged all of us to meet at Leblanc. Must be in regards of what happened the other night. I think Haru might have some more information. 

Futaba: Where's Haru? 

Makoto: Not here yet. She called this meeting in. I'm sure she'll be here soon. 

Ann: People online are posting that the Phantom Thieves killed Mr. Okumura!

Kagura: That's total bullshit!

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