This is My Tomb

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Like the Shiho incident, there is a disclaimer here. This talks about the mention of suicide. So if you or if someone you know feels suicidal or have the need to hurt themselves, if you want, you can go back to the Shiho chapter and you can find the numbers at the end of that chapter.


Akito's POV

After the ringing in my ears stopped, I saw someone run up the stairs. I remember hearing screaming simultaneously and then the thunder.

Ann and Kagura: Futaba!

Yusuke: Futaba's here!?

Old voice: What's wrong?

Ryuji: Crap!

Me: Easy, Makoto.

I embrace her only to have a light shine in front of us. I see who was holding the flashlight: Sojiro Sakura.

Sojiro: What are you doing here?


We were at the cafe and waited for an interrogation like no other.

Makoto: We are really sorry for sneaking in and scaring me like that. There's something that we have to know.

Ren: That girl. Is she your daughter?

Sojiro: I knew I shouldn't keep this a secret from you. She is the daughter of an old acquaintance. I knew Futaba's mother. A bit odd but a special kind of woman. Sharp as a tack and always serious. Not great with people, but she didn't care.

Kagura: Like my mom.

Sojiro: Anyway, for whatever reason, we got along all right. When something grabbed her interest you just knew that she'd be up all night, throwing herself into it. Futaba's father was never in the picture. So she did her best to raise a daughter on her own. Then, one day, she left us all behind.

Me: Left behind, how?

Sojiro: Suicide.

Me: God help us.

Sojiro: She threw herself into oncoming traffic. Right in front of Futaba.

Makoto: That's awful.

Sojiro: After that, I ended up taking custody of Futaba. It was very difficult at first. She was so depressed that she wouldn't even talk to me. There was nothing I could do. I just had to be patient and keep trying. Eventually, little by little, she started to open up to me. I thought she'd be okay. You know, if she had a normal life, she'd be a year behind you guys at school. I'd figured at some point, she'd snap out of it and come back to some sort of regular life. But instead, she got worse. A few months ago, she started to have panic attacks over nothing. She claimed she heard voices and her mom was watching her. It's crazy. These days, Futaba has become a total shut-in. She won't step one foot outside that room. She won't even look at other people. Most of the time I talk to her was through a closed door. Maybe it's my fault, I'm just no good at being a foster parent.

We were speechless. Ann wanted to say something, but it is best not to. Do not want to add more worry. But damn, Futaba had a bad childhood. No one should have to bear witness the death of a parent.

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