Chapter Two: Ease of Magick

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I opened my eyes slowly, grimacing at the faint light showing around my covered window. My head ached like a bitch and my mouth felt disgusting. I had gotten a bit too rowdy last night and I shifted as I sat up. I rubbed my face with a faint groan before tossing my covers back. The cool air swept over my bare skin and I glanced down at my bed and the other occupant laying there, his face buried in one of my pillows.

"You know the drill, Marquis. I'm having a shower, clear out before I'm done." I wasn't one who liked to have morning afters with my one night stands. It didn't matter that Marquis was more or less slightly regular in how often I fucked him. I didn't want complications following me home.

He groaned slightly but nodded, tossing the covers off himself as well, exposing his rather lithe but muscled physique wrapped in pale blue skin. I nodded to myself, happy he would be gone by the time I came out and headed to the bathroom. It was small and dark but then again I essentially had party house above my bar. Eve and Raph lived with me in the flat above the bar and space was just... limited. We didn't have a big house with large spaces. I made due with what was there.

I had a quick shower, cleaning up quick and without fuss. I knew I would need to start cleaning the bar. I could only imagine how much of a mess there was after I had gotten a little wild with that asshole werewolf. I grimaced and rubbed at my forehead as I got out and dried off. I towel dried my hair as best as I could as I walked out in the bedroom before tossing it up into a bun before I threw on some clothes, sniffing them to make sure they weren't too off smelling. I was gad to see Marquis had cleared out. I really didn't do morning afters.

I had a bit of a headache and felt rundown and tired but I ignored it as I headed out into the main space of the flat. I grabbed a cup from the cupboard before moving over to the potions cupboard and waving my hand lazily. My magick flowed through me as the enchantments locking my potions cupboard unravelled enough for me to pull open the door. I grabbed my hangover potion that my mum had created a recipe for and tossed a dash into the cup before setting it back and waving my hand again.

The door closed behind me and the enchantments tightened up once more as I moved to grab the only available bottle of liquid on the counter with a slow blink. I shrugged at the vodka label and tossed a dash of the alcohol into the potion before I downed it. "Blech." I made a face as I set the cup in the sink. That had been just nasty but I knew I would appreciate it in a few minutes.

"I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to mix alcohol with that, Red." At the rough sounding voice I made another face and flipped Raph off. The other Fae woman chuckled slightly as she came over. "Gotta clean up the bar. It got a little more rowdy after you and Marquis left to take your trip to boom town."

At the words I shrugged. "I figured I would need to clean up. I did dump a bottle of beer all over my counter and floor." That would be fucking sticky and I knew I had no one to blame but myself for it. It had been worth it though. Sooo worth it. I heaved out a sigh as I glanced at the nearly glowing yellow Fae. I never could figure out what it was about her that made her skin colour damn near glow both in the dark and in the light but I honestly didn't care too much. She was good worker, if a bit rough around the edges.

"Probably going to need to order some more booze. I noticed our keg stock was getting low and we are down to only a few boxes of tequila and spiced rum." Raph grabbed cup for herself and I nodded.

"Do it and forge my signature on everything that needs to be signed for. If anyone complains, tell them I will pay them a visit and I will return with their balls stuffed in my pocket." I didn't want to deal with stupidity and I didn't care about the legalities. I was giving Raph permission and if anyone argued, I would neuter them.

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