Chapter Eleven: Feral Soul

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I limped my way back to my mother's house, cursing the fact I had to use her at all. As much as I loved the fight, as much as I loved dancing with the werewolf like that. Being beat to shit was not very conducive to me finding Violet. I also knew the best person to get me fixed up was my mother. She was a sorceress, healing up some fractured bones, minor cuts and scrapes, and bruising was easy for her and I didn't want to get anyone else involved.

The werewolf had worked me over, not as bad as he could have, but he had. Not that I didn't enjoy it. I loved butting heads with people. I liked a guy who didn't fold when I shoved against him hard. A guy who could hold his own against me was more than attractive, it was downright sinfully sexy. Which I had to give the werewolf points for that. If I hadn't been on a mission to find my long lost second cousin, I would have fucked him. As it was the desire still strummed my veins slightly, not that I was upset at it. Not in the least.

To be fair, it was weird. I wasn't into guys beating me up sexually. If a guy tried when I got him into bed then he would find himself plastered against all four walls of my bedroom in chunks. I just... there was something about brawling that got my blood to run hot, especially against someone who could hold their own against me. I knew I could have decimated the werewolf using magick but that would have been cheating. I brought myself up to his level and then beat him with it.

However the fight had been more...playful than something being used to seriously harm each other. The were had basically used it to signal his interest and my dumbass was automatically interested right back because he could fucking fight. Brawling was like foreplay to me. There was a reason bar fights always had me dragging someone to my bed afterwards. Sure I could admit it was a little twisted but honestly what worked for me worked and I wasn't going to beat myself up and become some sort of puritan to try and fix it. I liked chaos and it got my blood running, be it brawling or whatever else spiked it.

I prodded my split lip with my tongue, it had stopped bleeding and I could feel were the blood had dried on my skin, making it feel tight. My body ached and I could tell I was bruised rather heavily on the left side of my jaw. I picked at the blood as my mother's manor came into view. I strolled up to it, ignoring how my hip twinged with every step I took. I didn't know what caused it to twinge like that and I honestly didn't care to know. What was done was done. I didn't dwell.

Although there was a rather large part of me that hoped I would bump into the were after my business with Violet was done. I wouldn't have any qualms about tying him to a bed and going for more than one ride. Apparently there must have been something in our blood that caused us to opt into the werewolf cock train. I snickered at that, unable to help it. I wasn't one to listen to rules but I had never fucked a werewolf before. Mainly because the ones that came into my bar had always been utter assholes, not worth the brawl they would inevitably get into, mainly because I would beat the shit out of them for their shit attitudes.

I made it to the door and wondered if I should knock or just go in before I shrugged and knocked as I pushed my way in. "Mama!" I called it out as I closed the door behind me. "I need some assistance." I wanted her to fix me up as best as she could before I would go home and sleep on it for a day then get back at it.

I moved into the large foyer and Raziel came through a door, "Your mama is busy putting Zinnia to bed can I help?" His voice trailed off as he looked at me before his big body stiffened. "What. Happened?" It came out of him clipped and rather malevolent and I waved him off as he gave a low rumbling growl. "No. What happened?" He was over at my side, the air around him rumbling as he looked me over, poking and prodding me slightly, tsking slightly as he did so.

I felt uncomfortable as he carefully seemed to catalogue each bruise and cut with sharp eyes. "It was nothing, just a brawl with a werewolf." I really wasn't used to attentive father figures, I really wasn't. I was used to the leave you alone and let your mother take care of you type of father figures. So his worry and concern was not something I was comfortable with.

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