Chapter Seven: Confrontations

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I cursed my mother heavily as I trekked through the woods. I had my tea and scones with Tia, I wasn't going to lie, the scones had been delicious and the visit had relaxed me, and then helped her with her altar and she had been correct, her stones had been throwing a tantrum. Her raw azurite had nearly vibrated right off its shelf when I had started to help her clean the altar. Her various other stones had been just as agitated and I didn't understand how she had managed to get so much energy into all of her stones to the point where they had become almost sentient but she had.

However once I had finished with the altar and helping her write the thank you note for Brian and Tony from across the street, I had taken off to find our mother. Which she had moved from the Coven... into the back ass crack of the world in the werewolf Territories and closer to the Compound for the High King of Running Off With My Sister. My mouth twitched slightly, I probably should have looked more into the title as to not seem rude to my more than likely future brother-in-law but I honestly didn't care enough at the moment. But she had moved and then promptly put up a teleportation block on her location so it meant I had to walk and find out where she lived.

I was not impressed. Firstly for her putting a magickal block on Violet's location and then sending me out to find her when she basically knew where she had been the entire time, and secondly for moving into the woods and not giving any of her daughters directions to where she was located. The last thing I had wanted to do was wander around the Forests like a list little fairy tale character waiting for a werewolf to come and eat me.

"For fuck's sake." The words hissed out from between my teeth as I shoved through a bush. I felt sweaty and gross and my jeans and leather jacket were not hiking gear. "Mama, I swear to the goddess, I will yell at you so loud your ears will ring." I fairly seethed as I continued my trek through the woods, occasionally sending out tendrils of magick aimed for Zinnia or Aymis. I was getting more a response from that then I was looking for mother that way. "Why the fuck are you all the way out here?" I snapped it out as a thorn bush snagged the sleeve of my leather jacket. I yanked it free and cursed loudly.

I didn't understand why she had plunked her and my youngest siblings intl the middle of the werewolf Territories and Forests. It didn't make sense for me but then again mother rarely made any sense. Although I figured she was out this far to be closer to Lacey and her rather large castle type thing. I wasn't sure, I hadn't been invited to see her since she had run off with her werewolf and had become queen. Although I wasn't sure why my mother chose the Forest rather than being simple and staying inside the Compound.

"Lili?" At the rather childish voice I whirled around. Zinnia was blinking at me as she stood among the trees. "Whatcha you doin'?" She blinked those pretty baby blues at me with a confused look and I nearly slumped with relief.

I moved over to her and scooped her up into my arms. She was seven and some might have said she was too big but I didn't care. She was my baby sister and I loved her. "Looking for mama. She didn't exactly give me a note on how to get to main base here." I grumped it out slightly and she giggled as I kissed her still slightly chubby cheeks, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Yer really close." She leaned away from my neck and gave me a wide and toothy grin.

I settled her on my hip, "I am? Well could you care to show me how to get home then?" I looked at her patiently and she nodded, sending her black curls flying in all directions. She pointed into the trees and I silently followed the directions. "When did you guys move here?" I asked it lightly, even though I was sweaty and felt itchy and scratched up from tramping through the woods and pissed to all hell at mother, I wasn't about to take it out on my baby sister.

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