Chapter Five: Protecting Our Own

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I moved through the large trees, my eyes narrowed. I had thought we had dealt with all the bullshit surrounding Violet and that bitch witch Irma but it seemed like it was rearing it's ugly head once again. I didn't know how to break the news to Jax that the witches were now searching for his breeder. From what I had heard, the witches had discovered Coven Thirteen had been attacked and that bitch was dead. That was fine and I wouldn't have normally cared but the fact they had learned about Violet and were now asking questions? Yah, I now deeply cared.

I knew Jax wasn't one to usually care about news outside of the Northern Forests but I knew I needed to keep up to date to help protect my twin and his female. Especially as heavily pregnant as she was. I winced at the reminder. She really didn't need to be dealing with all of this shit. She needed to be as relaxed as she possibly could. I worried for her, I really did. She was just so...delicate.

I worried about her. She was such a sweet female, far too delicate to deal with all the negative shit she had heaped on her. She was a good match for Jax, I knew that. She was a good influence on my twin, very calming to my twin's chaotic and wild nature and Jax just needed someone to protect, to curl around and hold onto tightly with his entire might. They fit and I was happy for my brother, I truly was.

However I ran a hand through my hair as I ground my teeth together. Witches were looking for my mate-sister and that did not bode well. I knew the High King of High Kings had taken on the Queen of the Covens as his breeder, a move that a lot of werewolves were wary of but silently hoping would mend a wound that had long since festered, but I didn't know if their union was something that the witches approved on. For all I knew, those seeking out Violet would kill her and her unborn babe for the crime of loving Jax. And that was something I wasn't willing to let happen.

The air was cold and I knew winter was holding onto the Northern Forests with all it's dying might but the snow was starting to melt and I knew within a few weeks spring would truly settle in the area. I shoved my hands into my jacket pockets, looking around with sharp eyes, watching carefully. Jax and I were always careful about leading others to our cabins. We liked our solitude and while our family's Compound knew our locations, nobody else did. We preferred it that way but with someone seeking out Violet, I couldn't be too careful.

Jax's cabin came into view and I strode over to it, wondering just how I was going to explain to Jax everything I had learned on my trek out to the main areas. I knew he wasn't going to like it no matter what I said but it wouldn't stop me from telling him or letting him know. I heaved out a breath as I reached the door and pushed inside. A crackling fire was going and Violet giggled from further in the room as I closed the door behind me.

"Brother, the fair weather winds have brought ye home." Jaxton said it warmly and I nodded, stomping my feet to get the sticky snow off of them before I looked to my brother. Violet sat half on his lap and half on the couch, his large hands rubbing at her feet.Well more like tickling the soles of them from what I could see.

"Stop!" Violet giggled again, trying to yank her feet away from him and I smiled softly at that.

"Keep tickling her feet, brother, and she will kick you in your stones an' I'll laugh long and hard." I raised my eyebrows as I kicked my boots off and moved over to them. I bent over the back of the couch and kissed the top of Violet's head.

"She wouldn't harm me. My little Violet is too sweet." Jax leaned toward she and kissed the tip of her nose as she blushed a bright red.

I rolled my eyes slightly, nudging Violet as I did so. She smiled up at me, hiding her smile behind her hand, her eyes sparkling. "Have news." I said it carefully and both of them stopped to look at me.

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