Chapter Ten: Guessing Motives

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I was alive. Beaten to shit and sore but my blood pumped through my veins, my chest aches with each breath I took. I felt more alive than I had in a long time. The little witchling had fought hard but I knew she had been pulling her metaphorical punches. She used magick to bring herself to my level but not exceed it. It seemed like she had wanted the fight just as much as I had and didn't that rile me up. As it was my cock was aching nearly as badly as the rest of me.

Her green eyes had flashed with fire and magick and she had took to the fight without hesitation. I liked that, that she was aggressive and brutal with her punches but she had tempered herself. That last throw let me know that she had been holding back, that she had simply fought with me to fight with me. I knew that with her magick level, she could have very well tossed me out of the way and continued to search but for some reason, the little witchling named Red had wanted to fight with me and that made my cock ache even worse.

It wasn't that I got off on hurting females or beating them. I didn't but I certainly got off on ferality, combativeness, and roughness. I liked a strong female who could verbally tear me into strips or fight back against me being oppressive. I liked the dynamic of a hard push and pull. There was a reason why I had never tried anything with Violet. I knew I could have taken advantage of the broken trust that had happened between her and Jaxton but Violet was a sweet female, a kind one. There would have been no push back from her and I knew I would have been walking on eggshells around her, carefully choosing my every word to not insult her. As it was I was already doing that to an extent.

I shook my head slightly, prodding at the cut on the inside of my cheek with my tongue. No, Violet was not the type of female for me. She was for Jaxton though, which is why I helped him to get his ass in gear by pushing slightly on his possessiveness towards her. It had worked and he had gotten the female he wanted and deserved and Violet got a male who would do everything within his power to protect her from the world. I liked that, seeing my twin so happy, seeing Violet pampered like she was. Jaxton was an absolute sap, a teddy bear, towards her and she deserved that.

I wiped at my slightly bleeding nose and shook my head slightly. Violet l, and females like her, were too kind for me, too soft. I was not a male who thought his words through or who walked around the world carefully and I knew I needed a female who was unafraid to smack me upside the head when I said something stupid or insensitive. I needed a female who could shove me around when I became unbearable. I wanted a female who could push back and not fold underneath the slightest pressure from me, so that witchling had gone from physically appealing to all together far too sexy for her own good during our brawl.

She liked me too. I could smell it on her. I knew that if it would have gone on for any longer than it would have, we would have fucked on the Forest floor, or against a tree. I didn't care which. That kiss had more than proved it to me. She had taken all my cocky and overbearing attitude and had turned it upside down over my head and I loved it. I adjusted my cock in my pants with a wince, loved it a little too much to be honest.

Find female

Take her

She would welcome you deep

My Instinct scraped across my nerves and bones so hard that I shuddered underneath it. My Instincts were overbearing at the moment and I knew that had a lot to do with the fact that we believed that Red was not in fact the Miranda that Violet had been worried about. She had red hair, yes, but she hadn't out right tried to kill me for stopping her and hadn't tortured me for information. Plus I could more than likely rightly assume she was seeking Violet out for her mother. So the situation wasn't nearly as dangerous as we had first thought. However I wasn't going to tell Jaxton that we needed to stop patrolling. I wanted to come across her again. I wanted to fight with her again. I was looking forward to that and I knew that if Jaxton thought she wasn't a threat, he would want to pull back the patrolling range to closer to the cabin. If I wanted to find her again, that wouldn't do.

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