Chapter Nine: Maybe

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I stared at the werewolf with half parts amusement and irritation. He was walking on the edge of me patting him on the head or sending him through as many trees as I possibly could before he died. He shifted his weight, a slow and lazy grin crawling across his face. "And just who is it that ye are looking for?" The were slowly shifted his weight before leaning against a tree. He raked his eyes of me again and I did the same. He was broad but not as broad as some weres I had seen but he was definitely cockier than most. Not half bad to look at either. I always did approve of men who weren't afraid of a little pain, if the hoops along the shell of his ear and the tattoos crawling up his neck were anything to go by.

"I don't recall that being any of your fucking business." I drawled it out and his smirk deepened. So it seemed the werewolf liked someone being combative. I wanted to grin at that. There was something about someone who enjoyed combativeness. It just made me feel all sorts of happy inside. But if the werewolf wanted a fight I would damn well give him a fight to write home about.

"It's my territory, little red. Means it's my business." His voice was slightly accented, it was slightly noticeable and I wondered where the fuck he had come from where he had it. It wasn't like accents were normal in our world.

However I shifted my weight back onto my left hip, staring at him intently. "I'm standing on it, were, that makes it my territory." I gave him a grin that was more tooth than grin and his eyes seemed to light up at it and he gave me his own toothy grin. He really seemed to enjoy my combativeness and wasn't that just fun?

"Is that so?" He seemed eager and I gave him a slow blink before I nodded. I stood on it, it meant I wasn't trespassing because that meant it was my territory. "But ye are looking for someone?" He stressed the words, keeping a rather predatory look on me. He was being playful, I could tell but the damned werewolf wanted information from me and I was just ornery enough that I wasn't about to tell him what I was after or who.

"Wouldn't you like to know, fido?" I lifted my chin and his dropped his arms from his chest before placing both his palms right above his heart, giving me a rather playful but imploring look.

"I would absolutely like t' know." He said it so sweetly I wanted to gag at it.

"Shame I won't be telling you then." I buffed the nails of my right hand on my jacket and then inspected them. "Die mad about it." I threw him a look and he returned his arms back to being crossed over his chest.

He shook his head slightly, crossing his leg at the ankle as he leaned against the tree more. "Mad? Nah, little red, I am curious what had got ye running around like your lost in such a dark and dangerous Forest." He smirked at me slightly, that feral, animal wildness gleaming in his eyes as he studied me.

I gave a heavy scoff at his words, "Only thing dangerous about this forest is the fact I'm standing in it." That was the goddess honest truth. Werewolves were a minor danger if you could even call them that and if he thought they were a danger to me? Well then, he had another thing coming.

He laughed at that, "Is that so?"

I gave him an unimpressed look. "Try me, mutt." I so wanted him to try it, just once so I could send his ass through a fucking tree just like I had said earlier.

"So who you wantin' t' murder?" The change of subject was rather abrupt and I raised an eyebrow

"Who says I want to murder anyone?" I snarked it out, unable to help myself and he shook his head, some of his longer hair falling into his face.

Little Red (Twisted Dark, #4)Where stories live. Discover now