Chapter Nineteen: Honoured

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I had watched Red leave but had known better than to follow my Instinct to find her. It wanted me to chase after her, wanted me to scour the Forest looking for her scent. I knew that was pointless. She had teleported herself away specifically so I wouldn't follow her. So despite still reeling slightly from the incredible sex we had, I had gone to my cold cabin, cleaned myself up, and went to the family Compound.


Because running around following my Instinct was fucking stupid. Violet mentioned that Red owned a bar, the best course of action was to go see Violet and ask her where Red's bar was located. I would have headed straight there but I figured it was better to clean up. I knew that my ma would definitely give me shit for showing up smelling like sex, especially with the babes around. It was better to not test her at all about it.

The Compound's walls nearly loomed over me as I made my way towards them. There was a reason Jax and I went our own way after we became old enough. Some things were just wrong and those looming walls that made me feel trapped, was one of them. The large gate was open when I came upon it and I walked through, waving at those who called out greetings. I could see they were preparing for a large celebration, more than likely for Violet and her twins.

I watched as a group of weremales gently lowered a bronze statue of a robed woman, the phases of the moon arching between her outspread hands, in the center of the main square. No one would outright say it because all babes were worth a celebration but I knew there would be heavier celebration and there were more sculptures of the moon goddess out simply because we had been blessed with a female. Babes, no matter their sex, were celebrated but everyone silently agreed that sometimes a bit more celebration was needed when it was a coveted female that was born.

I liked seeing everyone so excited and together as they set up the various decorations for the celebration that I was fairly positive would last a week or more. I knew that Violet would be damn near overwhelmed with it all. It wasn't just a celebration for the babies, it was a celebration for the mother, for getting through the labour, for gifting the Compound with new children. She would learn that her blessing the Compound with a female would mean she would be inundated with much more love.

Werewolves would want to touch her, to be close to her. A long held belief that if she touched them or was close enough, that her blessing could potentially fall to them as well. I smirked slightly at how Jax would react to that. Male werewolves were more than likely going to line up to be able to have Violet's blessing. The thought made me chuckle, he would have to put up with it unless Violet said no, which I doubted she would. She was far too kind to shatter someone's hope like that.

I came up to the family home, the stone building was still standing, looking like it had a fresh retouching of grout to the stones not that long ago. It had been built hundreds of years ago and it was taken care of with the utmost care and upkeep so it would stand for hundreds more. I didn't bother knocking on the large front door, just walked in, closing it behind me. My little brothers were running around, more than likely cleaning house and gathering things for our ma in her want to make everything perfect for Violet and her twins.

"It's a mad house in here." I called it out, grinning at the various aged little brothers I had. The youngest was just turning twelve I was sure. They called out their greetings but didn't stop in their chores. I moved through them and to the large main room. A crackling fire blazed in the fire place and I watched as my mother carried my nephew around, a soft smile firmly entrenched on her face as she rubbed his small back and sang softly to him. "Hello, ma." I moved into the room and she nodded her greeting but didn't stop her lullaby to the little male.

I kissed the cheek she presented me before I spotted my pa on the large couch, he was cooing to the tiny female in his arms, holding her with the utmost care. I walked over to him and he nodded in greeting as I bent down and kissed his cheek as well. "Wondrous little granddaughter we have been blessed with, isn't she?" He glanced at me, his eyes almost teary and I nodded. I could only imagine how he would have been had one of the seven of us had been female.

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