Chapter Seven: Confrontations: Part Two

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"And you didn't think to drop me a line and let me know?" I threw out my arms, feeling even more agitated and angry, "What the fuck, mother?" That was even worse. She had discovered he basic location of Violet and had blocked it and hadn't thought twice about letting me know to give me a heads up.

She was silent for a second before she pursed her lips. "I still need you to find her."

"The hell you do!" It burst from me and the anger made my stomach feel sour. I hated being used like that, for having my time wasted for something so fucking pointless.

She lifted her hands in supplication, "I only know she is in the Northern Forests. There are several hundred square miles up there that I blocked. I need you to locate her from there." There it was again, the need. She needed me to do it. Like hell she did.

"Do it yourself!" She could scour the entire Norther Forests for Violet but I wouldn't do it. "I can't believe you wouldn't let me know! I have a life, mother, I'm not here to dance around like your own private monkey!" That is what it felt like. She was giving me pointless tasks just to watch me flounder. It was different when she didn't know where Violet was located but she did and she didn't tell me.

"I apologize for upsetting you with this but I needed you-"

"No you didn't!" She didn't need me for jack shit. She had wanted me to run around like an idiot on her whim.

"BamBam would kill her!" The words burst out of her as she threw her arm out and I froze, blinking slightly.

"What?" I didn't know what BamBam had to do with anything.

"BamBam has started a blood feud with her. You are the only one in the family that will go head to head with her and will come out on the winning side." She lowered her voice, looking up at the stairs as if looking for Zinnia. Her words were objectively true. I would never actually back down to Bam and I knew she would back down when I stood firm and refused to step out of her way. She wouldn't turn violence against to her family. She knew I didn't have such qualms. "I want Violet to remain alive and I want to bring her into the family. I cannot do that with BamBam willing to slaughter her for a perceived wrong. The moment I figured it out based on the knowledge I gained, I blocked Violet's magickal signature to protect her." She said each word carefully but I was still soured slightly towards her. "I apologize for not telling you sooner. Things have just been busy-"

"Too busy to let me know? Mama! I'm not a dog you can set to heel!" There was no reason she shouldn't have contacted me immediately. If it had been important to her, she should have let me know immediately instead of throwing it up and then washing her hands of it.

"I know you are upset-"

"I'm pissed off!" I was. I felt like she had used me and was jerking me around like a disobedient dog on a leash.

"I need you for this, Lillianna." She said it softly and I scoffed.

"And I want to tell you to fuck off." I really did. I honestly and really did. I never would have thought I would want to teel my mother to fuck off but I was there.

"I would understand if you did. I really dropped the ball on this but running the Covens is not an easy task for Lacey and then going through Irma's records and learning of all the forbidden magick she had been doing on Violet and the others has been hard on me." She said it softly, looking at me imploringly, her hands out.

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