Chapter Twenty-Eight: Something Blue

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I could feel Lyxton freeze, his arms tight around me and I shuddered as I realized it had worked. It had to have worked, there was nothing else that could have happened. I wasn't a weepy, romantic sort of person but I meant what I said to him, I wanted to be his wife, his breeder, whatever the fuck he wanted to call it. I wanted to wake up to him in the morning and I wanted to fight and argue with him. I wanted to have him more than I had wanted anything.

He gave another deep inhale, his hot breath brushing over the sensitive skin of my neck as he gave a deep and guttural sort of groan. His cock swelled underneath me and I pressed my face closer to his neck, holding him tighter. I didn't want to let him go, not now, not ever. He had won, he had conquered me and losing didn't feel so bad when I was losing to him.

A deep growl started to rumble his chest and he shoved me away from him. I barely had time to react before he grabbed me around the waist and tossed me over his shoulder. "Hey!" I smacked the back of his head in reprimand for the rather abrupt and rude handling he was giving me.

"I can and will fuck ye on the kitchen floor so dinna test me, witchling." His accent was thicker and the words were growled and I shuddered a heat shuddered through me, sparking a fire inside of me that only he could touch to put out. I bit my lip to keep from moaning at the thought of him pushing me down to my hands and knees and fucking me across the kitchen floor without mercy.

He snarled and the sound had me laughing, relief and desire battling inside me. He was here, he was fine, and I could keep him. I could keep him. It was almost enough to bring tears to my eyes. I wasn't a romantic person, I really wasn't. Fancy words and sweet gestures had never done much of anything to me. But Lyxton roughly saying he would take me as his wife was enough to make me want to melt. It really was.

"I'm still a bitch." I said it as Lyxton carried me through my bedroom door and slammed it behind him.

"Less talkin', witchling, more fuckin'." He tossed me onto my bed and I bounced slightly, scowling at him as I pushed my hair from my face. He was yanking off his shirt, his blue eyes sharp with a burning intensity that made me want to squirm. "Clothes off. 'Fore I tear them off." At the guttural words I nearly had to clench my thighs together as liquid heat pooled down and my pussy clenched with need. I started yanking my clothes off, feeling frantic and a bit uncoordinated. I struggled with my pants and then Lyxton was there, he helped me yank off my pants before he sliced through my bra.

I gasped with indignation before slapping him upside the head. He grunted an amused sound before he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head. I dropped my mouth open in anger but unable to deny just how hot it was as he forced his way between my thighs. "Ye are my female." He hissed the words out before he kissed me. It was bruising and violent and I loved every second of it, giving the same intensity back to him as I arched my back, pressing more of my skin against his hot form. I rolled my hips upwards, biting his bottom lip and his searing cock rubbed through my wet folds.

He grunted, pulling away from our kiss and transferred my wrists to one hand, keeping me pinned before he hooked his now free arm under one of my thigh and lifted, spreading me open so he could see. I shuddered the vulnerability I felt having such a feral intensity aimed at my slick pussy and I also found myself smirking slightly. "Are you going to stare at my pussy? Or are you going to fuck it?" I was a little too wound up for him to pause now. I wanted his cock inside me, I wanted to stretch around it, I wanted that slight burn of that first thrust into me. The feeling that let me know he was adjusting me to fit him, that he had to nearly fight his way inside me.

He tilted his head slightly before he gave a toothy grin and met my gaze. "Ye belong t' me." With those words he thrust deep and I arched my back and nearly choked on my sharp inhale. There was nearly too much sensation in that moment that I felt like reality was too far away but I couldn't get my bearings as he set a harsh and nearly punishing pace. He kissed me again, his tongue thrusting into my mouth with the same tempo his cock had set. I wasn't usually one to be okay with having a slightly submissive position in bed, being held down and forced to simply take what my partner was giving me but I found I quite enjoyed every time Lyxton put me into a position where he could do just that.

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