Chapter Eighteen: Part Two: New Heights

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I honestly didn't know what to do with how I was feeling. I only really had myself to blame for it. Brawling always riled me up, it always made me horny. It was just a little upsetting that I would end up fucking him. The rational part of my brain told me to stop, to think it through and put an end to our little dance, that this were had threatened to kill me, that he would more than likely would again if he could gain something from it, that he was far more dangerous than was tolerable. The larger part of my brain that thrived off of the chaos told me to just keep swinging, that the pay off was worth the danger, that the danger itself was what made him so damned attractive, that dancing with him was fun and exhilarating.

Then there was a tiny part of me that stated that if I had been in his shoes and it had been Tia in trouble... I would have done the exact same thing.

I managed to slam my fist into his face and his head snapped back. When he shook it off he grinned at me, his nose bleeding. "That's jus' the way I like it, kitten." He damn near growled the words at me and I knew the sound wasn't to warn me away. Nope, they were definitely aimed at something else entirely.

What was worse was it was working. That feral feeling inside of me, that pounded inside of my skin, that was scratching at my bones the longer I fell into the chaos. It seemed to reach towards him, wanting me to draw him close, to let him wrap himself around me as I sunk my teeth into him.

He managed to clip my chin and I shook my head to get the thoughts out of my head before I dropped down and swept his legs out from underneath him. He hit the ground with a laugh as he rolled, getting to his feet rather quickly. "Tricky, witchling." He grinned at me, wiping at the blood leaking from his nose. It smeared it across his face slightly and I felt my mouth twitch upwards in delight.

"You're just too slow, mutt." I bounced on the balls of my feet, keeping my hands up in the ready as I watched him. The feeling of being alive, of being energized and unstoppable was filling me up and the desire beat at me just as harshly.

"We'll see abou' that, little red." He brought his own hands up and started to advance,. He threw heavy punches that I blocked as he drove me backwards. He was moving quicker than I anticipated and several of his punches glanced off my ribs before I set my feet and dodged a punch, slipping around behind him and kicking his back. The move sent him into the dirt and this time I didn't retreat as he rolled to his back. I stood over him, driving my fist into his face with a feeling of abject pleasure.

He kicked me away and I rolled, not letting myself get caught like I had caught him. "Ye are far too vicious, you know that?" He felt his nose as he got to his feet, his eyes gleaming at me with mischief. He wasn't upset, he seemed amused by it, more than aroused by it as well.

"I've been told." I shook my arms out and cracked my neck before bringing my hands up once more. "Let's get back to it." I bounced on the balls of my feet again, watching him intently as he shook out his own arms and rolled his head on his neck.

He brought up his hands up and after a few moments of no one moving we both met in the middle. I managed to score several heavy blows to his torso and he managed to clip the side of my temple with a haymaker that nearly had my ears ringing. I shook it off easy and threw myself back into the brawl. "Feeling better, witchling?" He grunted it out as he held up a block, doing his best to protect his left side as I pummelled it.

"None of your business, dog." I was damn near panting as I threw another punch at him.

He caught my wrist with a grin and my eyes widened slightly as he yanked me close, wrapping me into a headlock. "Ye are bantering with me. I'd say you are." I could feel his heartbeat pounding against my back and the air whooshed in and out of his lungs hard. I twisted, throwing myself forward as I slipped between his legs, throwing him over my shoulder to slam against the ground.

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