Chapter Twenty-Two: Morning After

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I woke up with my face pressed into my pillow and a hazy recollection of the night before. Not because I had drank too much but because I had exhausted myself. Well Lyxton had a fairly big hand in that. That were had fucked me ten ways to sunday and then came around for seconds and then thirds. Our little fling in the woods couldn't compare to how well he fucked me last night in his attempt to 'conquer' me.

The fucking in the woods as phenomenal, there had been nothing wrong with it. It was just getting him into bed had raised the bar about a hundred notches. I honestly didn't know how I could bring Marquis back into my bed for a quick one night stand after that performance. I didn't know how I could bring anyone else to this bed after Lyxton had rolled me into it last night. Which was something I would never, ever, tell the werewolf.

However at the thought of Lyxton I lifted my head to look over at the other side of my bed but the werewolf was not there. I snorted slightly, "At least he can fucking listen." I rolled out of the bed, tugging at my slightly tangled hair as I moved towards my bathroom. I had asked for him to be out of my bed before I got up, he had listened. I would give him that. He was straight up infuriating and I wanted to break him more than once for his high handed bullshit but he had at least listened to my request. I was happy he had given up on the whole breeder aspect of his that I wanted no part of and had actually meant his whole 'one last time for the road' he had said last night.

I flicked on the bathroom light and moved over to the shower. I cranked on the tub faucet on and there was some gurgling from the pipes but no water came out. I turned on the cold and it gave a gurgle but there was no water from it as well. "For fuck's sake!" I scowled and turned them both off before I yanked my silk bathrobe from its spot. Tia had gotten it for me, I had no clue where but it was handy. I tied it tightly around my waist before I stalked out of the room and towards the main area of the flat.

"Eve! Raph! Our water's fucked!" I pushed open my bedroom door as I shouted it and Eve was leaning against our wobbly kitchen table, a heated look in her eyes as she stared at the shirtless, tattooed werewolf that had his head tucked under the kitchen sink. "What the fuck, Lyxton?" I hissed it out and he gave a small grunt before he peeked out from underneath where he was working.

"You said get our of yer bed before you woke up. You said nothing about the rest of your place." He pulled out from the cupboard, giving me a heavy wink and I gave him an unimpressed look in return. "Your pipes are fucked, little red. Just fixing them up for you." He gave me a blatant once over and ended it with a slow, far too sexy, grin, that had me wanting to press my thighs together as my body flushed with immediately pleasure.

"My pipes are fine." I bared my teeth at him in a heavy grimace and he gave a small scoff before returning back to underneath the sink.

"If you don't want him laying pipe for you, Red." Eve said it slowly and I became away she had undone several buttons of her shirt as she licked her lips, blatantly staring at Lyxton. "He can do it for me." She glanced at me, a wicked grin on her face and I felt a sudden and rather ugly surge of jealous possessiveness at the thought of Lyxton fucking the fae woman. It was enough to cross my arms over my chest and have my mood sour.

"I'm having enough fucking troubles getting him to fuck off, Eve. I want him gone, not lingering like a lost puppy." At the words he gave a bark of laughter that I did my best to ignore as I threw Eve a warning look. "Hands off the mutt. No one is touching him." Least of all me. He had his last ride, his one for the road.

We were done.

Eve's bottom lip stuck out and she stomped her one foot. "Reeeeed! That's not fair!" Her voice took a particular whiny tone that had me raising an eyebrow.

Raph came into the kitchen and slung an arm around Eve's neck, pulling her close. "Oh honey, if you want someone to lay pipe so much, you know I have a whole drawer full of it." The yellow fae's eyes glinted as she kissed the tip of Eve's nose and the other female brightened up.

"Can I pick?" There was an excited note to her voice that had me rolling my eyes with a slight smile.

"Of course! Now move your pert little ass." Raph let her arm drop and handed Eve a heavy smack to her ass that had her giggling and rushing for Raph's room. "You can thank me later." Raph called it out over her shoulder as she sauntered back to her room and I smirked slightly. Those two would be the death of me with their antics.

"I can be in the mood to lay pipe for you if ye want it." Lyxton's voice was a low rumble and I scoffed hard and rolled my eyes, ignoring the very unwanted tingle I got from it.

"Fuck off, dog." I threw a heavy glare at him as I retreated to my room. We didn't have water so I didn't have the ability to clean myself up but it wouldn't be the first time I had gone down to the bar smelling sexed up like I was. I threw my hair into a bun and got dressed before I headed down stairs to start the day for the bar. I ignored the werewolf as I moved through the main room and especially ignored the moaning giggles coming from Raph's room.

The bar was a slight disaster that had me giving a groan but grabbing the cleaning supplies anyway. I would have used magick but I needed the distraction of physically cleaning to avoid thinking about last night and the werewolf that was currently trying to fix my plumbing.

He certainly fixed our plumbing last night.

The thought made me grit my teeth as I roughly rubbed at my forehead, resisting the urge to bang it against the closest wall. I threw myself into cleaning, ignoring the inappropriate thoughts and the heat that flared through my body every so often as I moved in such a way that caused me to ache in a very prominent reminder of fucking Lyxton and just how good it had been.

I was sweating by the time I had finished scrubbing the bar down from last night's grime. I was glad everything was clean though and that the cleaning allowed me to get out of my own head for a bit. Not saying that Lyxton didn't slip into my head a fair few times, much to my utter irritation. I carried the cleaning supplies back to their designated spot, rubbing at the back of my neck.

Once everything was back in it's place I moved back to to the bar room. "You know, ye look pretty sexy on your knees." At the words I stopped in my tracks and threw a dark glare at the werewolf. He was leaning against the wall, his shirt still off and his muscles and tattoos all on display.

"As I recall, you were the one on your knees." I snapped it out, ignoring the faint throb my pussy gave at the remembrance of just how good he looked and worked on his knees.

"That I was... that I was." He trailed his voice off as he gave me a lazy look over. "Could go for another round of that to tell you the truth." With that he pushed off of the wall and stalked towards me. I fought the urge to back up from him and lifted my chin instead.

"Don't you have shit to be doing?" At my words he grinned as he slipped a hand around my back and pulled me sharply to his chest. I could feel his heat and the hardness of his body against mine and it was enough to ignite a want inside me that I knew he was the only person able to satisfy it.

"I do. It just happens to be you." With that he kissed me and any and all reasons for telling him now slipped away. He seemed to want to devour me, consume me.

And a very big part of me wanted to let him.

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