Chapter Fourteen: Blood Magick: Part Three

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Bam's face twitched and she frowned, "You're lying." The bedroom door flung open and a heavy and dominating growl fell into the air and I ignored how the hair on the back of my neck rose along with it. Normally I didn't care but I was fucking tapped out even worse than I had been before, I didn't have any defenses and that was a pissed off werewolf at my back.

"You just wish I was ly-" I cut myself off as the werewolf gripped me around the throat, his claws pressing into it tightly as his other arm wrapped so tightly around my chest I felt like I could barely breathe. I swallowed hard, grinding my teeth as I breathed as carefully as I could to avoid those sharp points. He was so going to get his nutsack ripped off for this move.

"You help Violet or I kill her." He pressed his claws into my skin and I winced, unable to stop it as he drug them threw my skin, not deep enough to maim me but deep enough to threaten my already depleted blood supply. This was just fucking great.

"Let her go." Bam's eyes flashed and I felt the cabin shake as her magick warped around her.

My eyes darted back and forth. The fucking werewolf just had to make this situation even worse. I was getting through to her and he had to fuck it up with his hamfisted death threat. "Shut up, Bam!" I hissed it out, closing my eyes tightly as he held my throat tighter as Bam shifted her arms, her magick becoming more tangible. "Are you seriously willing to risk my fucking life over this? Give it up!" I said it as quickly as I could, not wanting to risk moving my throat too much in case it made the bleed that much worse.

Bam looked like she wanted to argue, that she wanted to bring everything down but I pinned her with a look. If I had my throat ripped out because of her I would find a way to come back from the dead and I would fucking ruin her. "Try me, witch, an' she dies." He growled it low by my throat, keeping more behind me so that Bam would have to hit me with her magick if she tried to stop him.

"Enough, Bam!" I hissed it out and Bam faltered before coming out of her attack stance.

"Fine." She gritted it out and lowered her hands, her magick retreating as she slowly moved back, giving in to the demand. "Let her go." For a moment the werewolf didn't move before he finished the slight cut around my throat, causing me to let out a hiss of breath.

"A warning t' ye." He said it roughly before shoving me away. I wanted to whirl around and throw the hardest punch at him that I could manage but I staggered, my hand going to my throat to stop the slow drool of blood from the claw marks.

"For fuck's sakes, mutt, I'm on your fucking side!" I hissed it out as Bam came over, grabbing the wounds and with a quick warmth and a dancing of her runes, they sealed. I shook my head but grabbed Bam's arm and dragged her to the bedroom.

Violet was laying on the bed, her eyes wide, fear practically saturating every single inch of the room. She locked her gaze onto Bam, not looking away, the whites of her eyes showing. "Hello, bitch." Bam sneered it out and I grabbed Bam's arm and gave her a shake.

"It's my fucking life on the line now, Bam! Grow the fuck up!" I hissed it at her, glancing to the doorway. The werewolf was watching us both and the last thing I wanted was for him to have a fucking excuse to come at me again. I was depleted, tapped out, and I didn't have anymore defenses. As it was I was already starting to feel my legs wobble precariously as black spots rippled at the edges of my vision.

Bam pinched her lips together and looked away, "Fine." It came from between gritted teeth and I moved over to Violet, pressing my hand to her forehead, she felt cold and I didn't like that. She never took her gaze off Bam and she nearly shied away from her as she moved over. Just fucking great.

"She hemorrhaged already. I thew a hasty patch on it by cauterizing the wound internally. I think her placenta ruptured but I have no fucking clue. I'm not a healer." I shrugged my shoulders before tossing the blankets further away so we could have space to work.

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