Chapter Twenty-One: Attempt to Conquer

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I wanted to devour her.

She tasted like alcohol and sin and I wanted to consume her, bring her deep into myself where I would never be able to scratch her out. She could call it what she wanted but we had been dancing all night and I found all it did was wind me tighter and tighter. I wanted to throw her against the nearest wall and drive my cock into her so deep that she could only babble nonsense and gasp my name. I refrained, as much as it pained me.

I wanted to savour her, to get myself underneath her skin so deep that she couldn't remove me. I wanted my touch seared into her to where she could never had another male touch her without her remembering just who I was and that I had done it best. I wanted her to look at me and remember just how well I had fucked her. I wanted her to never forget me, to crave me, I wanted her to give in and become my breeder.

I pulled back from the kiss and smirked at the slightly dazed look on her face before she frowned and tightened her grip on my hair. I reached over the bar top and grabbed her waist. It didn't take much to haul her over it to pull her into my arms. I pulled her tight to me, forcing her body to mould to mine, her curve to press against the hard planes of my own.

I dipped my head and kissed her again. I thrust my tongue into the sweet and hot cavern of her mouth. Our tongues dancing for control as we pressed and slid our bodies together. Her hands tugged at my hair hard and I relished in the pain it caused before I slid my hands down her back to her ass. I squeezed her ass hard, tugging her against me, letting her feel jut how hard my cock was at the feel and taste of her. She made a small and almost delicate sound of need that had me lifting her off of her feet. Her legs immediately wrapped around my waist as she pulled back from the kiss.

"Bedroom, now." It was a harsh demand that was given on a husky and sexed up tone that made my cock jump with anticipation.

"Gladly." I nearly growled it out and she pushed away from me. I was reluctant to let her go and forced her to slide down my body to get to her feet. Her green eyes flared with molten heat that nearly made that vivid green glow in the dim bar lighting. Her mouth parted and she was nearly panting and I didn't blame her. My own breaths were coming out of me almost heaving. She grabbed my wrist and yanked me across the bar. I grinned at how desperate her grip seemed and I didn't blame her at all for it. It was taking all my concentration and focus to not shove her up against the closest wall and bury my cock balls deep into her slick pussy.

We reached the end of the room and she pulled me into a small hallway before shoving open a door and yanking me towards some stairs. I couldn't help myself as I pulled my wrist from her hand and grabbed her ass, pulling her hard against me as I bit and sucked at her neck, leaving a mark I knew I would be more than proud of. She pressed her ass against my pelvis, grinding it against my cock almost mercilessly as she let out a throaty moan.

I reached around her and cupped her pussy with my hand, pressing against it hard through her jeans. I could feel her heat and I nipped at her ear, unable to stop the growl that rumbled my chest at it. She gasped, "Bedroom." It was a high sort of demanding and needy whine that sounded not at all like the dangerous witch I knew. My cock jumped at it, at the thought that I was more than likely the only one who could make her sound like that, breathless and needy.

I reluctantly slid my hand upwards, letting her go before grabbing her hand. She hesitated for a few moments, her body shaking before she started up the stairs double time. I chuckled low as I followed her, grinning wide. The sight of her ass bouncing and her hips swaying was almost hypnotic. I barely paid attention as we reached the top of the stairs and she yanked me through a room. I didn't care where we were at the moment, all I could do was grip her hand tightly and watch her body move in front of me.

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