Chapter Twenty-Three: Making Deals

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A week later

I was honestly surprised that Red hadn't kicked me out of her life. She had made it quite well known that she wanted me gone to her roommates and to me when she got extra feisty. I smirked slightly, shoving my hands into my pockets. Didn't stop her from getting that certain look in her eyes near the end of the night or even in the middle of the day. The one that said she was picturing me naked and driving into her and I was never one to leave a female wanting.

Also I had ripped out a good portion of her plumbing and was in the middle of repairing it all so I didn't think she wanted to kick me and leave it half done. I didn't mind that she was kind of using me for the labour and repairs, I was a simple man. She paid me with top shelf pussy and more than gratifying sex so I was more than happy to fix any and all issues she had with her bar.

Which was kind of a shit hole but I liked it. It was chaotic and the energy that came out of it during the nights it was open was nearly addictive. Watching Red work was just as addicting as well, she could get down right violent with some of the bastards that came into the bar. I had watched her bottle a fae across the back of the head after he had groped a female patron. The male had hit the floor, out stone cold. I had yanked her into the back room and fucked her until she couldn't remember exactly what day it was shortly after witnessing it.

Outside of watching her and doing repairs, I acted as an unpaid bouncer. Red had scoffed at it, argued with me, but it didn't stop her from trying to jump me whenever I got hands on with some assholes harassing the staff. She liked seeing me get violent just as much as I liked seeing her get violent. I grinned at that, leaning back against the grimy brick wall of the alley. It was slow going but I would get her pulled over to my line of thought. She was the perfect breeder for me, she just needed to realize I was the perfect male for her and her specific needs.

Although I had a feeling she was right fucking close to getting there. I could see that possessive look and hear that possessive tone she got whenever another female got to close or touched me in a way that was just a tad too familiar. I liked her jealous, that usually ended up with both of us bruised, battered, and utterly satisfied with the rough sex we had. So she was getting there, slowly, but it was working in my favour all the same.

However my Instinct was starting to get a little too insistent with me. That was why I was in the Emporium waiting for a witch. I didn't care for my Instinct, not when it was hinting at me to find another female. I was content with the one I currently had and I wasn't aiming to leave her just because she couldn't give me kids. I shook my head slightly, baring my teeth. I had made my choice, my Instinct could fuck off.

"Werewolf." At the sharp voice I turned my head. A hooded figure shifted slightly in the shadows and I gave a grunt of acknowledgement before looking out to the main drag of the Emporium.

"Witch." I couldn't see anyone watching and I was grateful for it. Witches and weres didn't get along and it was dangerous to make exchanges like the one I was currently in the middle of. I really didn't want to have to kill some bystanders. I just wanted to make my deal and then get back to Red. I had plans for her.

"You bring what you owe?" At the question I nodded and reached into my pocket, pulling out the rather hefty bag of gold, holding it out casually to the witch. "Perfect." The bag was snatched away and a medium sized case was held out towards me and I took it without looking at the witch. "That will hold you for several months if you are careful with the use. As I said before, be careful. That shit will kill you if you use it too much." Her warning was nothing but a mild irritant. I would do what I needed to do and I wasn't going to listen to anyone otherwise.

"None of yer concern, witch. I suggest you run along." I jerked my head at the shadows. She was gone in the next minute without a word and I shifted the case in my hand before I shifted on my feet and left as well.


"She would like for you to be there." I said it evenly and Red shoved her hair back from her face, red curls falling back into in nearly immediately as she bent down to grab another crate of beer.

"And I said, I'm busy." She threw me a look and I crossed my arms over my chest, looking her up and down slowly. She was far too sexy and my cock was far too eager to get her bent over those crates as I drove into her until she was incoherent.

"I can see that. Seein' ye get all sweaty is putting me in the mood. Not gunna lie about that." I pressed my tongue to the tip of my canine, throwing her a grin that had her trying very hard to repress a shiver as she watched. I could play my little witchling like a fiddle and I revelled in it.

She scoffed, ignoring the faint flush that crawled up her chest. "A stiff breeze puts you in the mood. That's not news, mutt." She shook her head, grabbing the crate and carrying it into the building. I followed her, enjoying the view of her rather amazing ass as I did so.

"What's news is ye are gunna come with me to the celebration or you an' I are gunna end up upstairs in about five minute and ye won't be leaving for the rest of the night." At my words she dropped the crate onto the stack with a clatter as she whirled around and pointed at me, her face red.

"Fucking try me." She hissed the words out, her eyes narrowed to an almost dangerous degree.

"Ye know I love a fight, little red. We both know what throwing punches will do and where we will end up." I glanced at the small work table she had and I was aware she was glancing at it as well. We had a wicked fight a few days ago and she threw me on top of that table. We didn't leave the back room for several hours as we both used that table to it's fullest potential. "You come with me, we stay an' hour. We come back and get ready for opening the bar." I said it casually before I stalked closer, invading her space before I reached around and pressed my hand to her lower back and yanked her close, bending down to nip at her ear. "Or we can start a damned fight and neither of us will be gettin' anything done for the rest of the night." I let the words growl into her ear and there was a faint moment where she tensed, as if fighting the urge to give in and have us out of commission for the night before she shoved me away.

"What the fuck do I have to wear?" She spat the words out, crossing her arms over her chest as she glowered at me darkly.

"Whatever ye want. Violet and Jax won't care. They will jus' be happy you showed up." I backed away from her several paces. I knew better than to give her my back I would get a zap to my ass in her current mood. "Sides, little Redmuund would be put out that you didn't come." At the words I could see her physically softening.

She ran a hand through her hair with a grimace. "She just had to name one of the little buggers after me." She muttered the words out before shaking her head. "I'm getting ready and we will leave in ten minutes. I don't want to be there for any longer than I need to be. I have a fucking business to run!" She pointed at me threateningly and I nodded at her. She whirled around and stalked away and once I was sure she was gone I headed out and finished unloading the truck for her. I didn't want her to have any excuses to back out. I knew Violet would be excited to have Red there and it was a little thing I could give her.

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