Chapter Eighteen: New Heights

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I was pissed off.

I didn't understand what the fuck the werewolf wanted from me, aside from clearly wanting to die. I had never actually gotten pissed off enough that my magick was uncontrolled to the point of me knocking over a fucking tree or being literally on fire, yet the were had driven me there.

The worst part of it was that I couldn't just kill him. Violet clearly liked him, he was close to her, so this stupid blood magick meant that I had to actually resist hurting her like that. It didn't matter that he was an utter fucking asshole who made shit worse with Bam and decided friendly fire was the way to fix problems and was completely unrepentant for it. Violet cared for him so the magick inside of me refused to let me actually turn that murderous intention towards him.

I was making a heavy and dark note on my brain to never ever ever ever ever use fucking blood magick binding again. Ever. It didn't matter if the person was bleeding out or not, I would sooner let them die then end up in the position I was currently in. My protectiveness towards Violet was nearly on par for that of Tia. Which was more than weird and uncomfortable for me. However, I didn't see how beating the snot out of him would hurt Violet so I gave myself that little concession.

"Well?" I gestured to him as I dropped my jacket on the ground, setting my feet. I was going to rock his fucking world for being such an utter jackass. What was worse was the fact I was eager to brawl with him again. I was still pissed off, yes, but my murderous intentions were mostly gone. "Let's fucking dance, dog." I shook my head slightly and avoided his gaze as he stared at me intently but he didn't say anything. "Fucking come on." He stood there, smirking slightly but not saying a word. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He was the most infuriating creature I had ever had the displeasure of meeting.

It took him a few seconds before he shifted on his feet, "Do I have leave t' speak, Red?" He asked it carefully and I scowled at him, pinching the bridge of my nose as I counted in my head. The mother fucker actually fucking listened and wasn't that another infuriating factor to add to him?

"You can listen when I tell you to shut up but not for anything else? Your priorities are fucking screwed." I muttered it to myself more than anything else before I looked at him. "By all means, go ahead." I gave a sweeping gesture in the area between us.

"Why did you no' kill me. You looked mighty close to doing just that." He asked it slowly and I gave a low sound of disgust.

"Violet is my blood-sister, you fucking moron." I ground it out, the last thing I wanted to do was explain everything to him. Talking blood magick was bad enough between witches, but to a werewolf? Yah. That always made the Elders clap for joy. I repressed the urge to roll my eyes. I didn't care about rules, I didn't, but he was infuriating enough that I wanted to just to deny him the knowledge. Which was more than enough to piss me off.

"An' that means..." He trailed off and I rolled my eyes.

"The magick I used brings her as close to me as a sister. She likes you, I can't kill you because of it. I kill you, I hurt her and I might not have some god awful Instinct screaming at me but I don't hurt my siblings that way unless they deserve it." That was the bare bones I was going to give him. I wasn't going to say anything else on the subject. "Are we done? Can we brawl this shit out now or do I need to find someone else to beat the shit out of?" I gave a rather aggravated gesture with my hand. He was turning me responsible and I hated it. I much rather preferred to have a fight and brawl than to sit and think about that shit.

His eyes went hooded and he gave me a rather crooked grin. "Well then that explains Violet's reaction..." He said it slowly, "Sisters... I think I can live with that explanation."

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