Chapter Thirteen: Calling for Help

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I was freaking out. I wasn't expecting this and I didn't know what to do. I didn't think anyone had been expecting this. "What do I do?" It felt like the thousandth time I said it as my hands hovered over Violet as she leaned against the table and breathed with a low moan, rocking back and forth. She was in labour and not just little labour, apparently that back pain she had been having all day had been fucking contractions and I sent Jaxton out to the fucking Compound and now it was fucking blizzarding.

Violet nearly went limp as the contraction ended, leaning against the table, her head on her arms before she glanced up at me. "I want Jax." Her curls stuck to her sweaty face. She looked spent, utterly exhausted. She had been pacing and dealing with hard contractions for several hours now. They were super close together, like nearly two minutes and were lasting nearly a minute. I didn't know much about pregnancy or labour but even I knew that meant she was pretty damn close to having a baby. "I want him." She whimpered as she said it and I rubbed her back, feeling like absolute shit.

"He'll come, Violet." That was all I could tell her. The storm would delay her but I also knew that he was more than likely aware his breeder was in trouble and would push through the storm to get here, it would just take time. Time I didn't think she honestly had.

"What do I do, Vi?" I asked it softly and she shook her head, her eyes slowly closing.

"Something's wrong. Something's wrong with the baby. I can tell." She whimpered it out, her one hand going to cradle the heavy swell of her stomach. My heart twisted in my chest and I didn't know what to say or do to comfort her. She was a witchling, if she said something was wrong, then I knew something was wrong but I couldn't pack her up and take her to the Compound. The blizzard was heavy and you couldn't see shit in it. It was too dangerous to take her and I could only imagine the shit that her and Jax would be in if he had taken her at all.

"We'll figure this out." We had to. There was nothing else that we could do. I rubbed at her back as she swayed her hips back and forth with a low groan, as if trying to find a comfortable way to stand that wouldn't hurt. I hated that she felt like that, that she was in so much pain and was worried and that I was so utterly useless.

There was a heavy banging on the door that had me giving a snarl as I whirled to look at it. "What..." Violet grimaced, gripping at her stomach as she gave a low moan. The banging continued and my Instinct scraped against my bones in warning. Violet was far too vulnerable if someone were to come in. I shook my head slightly as the banging grew louder. I slowly moved over to the door, watching it intently, ready to jump on anyone who came through, especially if they had violent intentions.

I glanced at Violet but she was back to burying her head into her arms, giving a low and pained sound as she rocked back and forth. I yanked the door open and the snow swirled inside along with a figure. I snarled but then froze as pale hand came up. "Shut the fuck up, fido. It's fucking freezing out there!" At the familiar voice of the witchling I fought, relief surged through me so heavily I wanted to hit the floor.

I grabbed her arm and yanked her inside, slamming the door closed. "Help!" It came out nearly growled and the witchling tugged against me but I didn't let go as I pulled her to Violet. "You need to help!" She was a witch, she could do some magick and make sure things were okay.

"Unhand me before I-" She stopped short, looking u at me before an eyebrow quirked. "Oh... It's you." She looked me over before smirking. "You look beat to shit." I didn't care about that but it seemed to amuse her. She didn't look nearly as rough as I knew I did but I didn't care. She needed to help Violet.

"Help, Violet!" I shoved her towards where Violet was slowly coming out of what seemed to be another contraction and she glanced over before whimpering.

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