Chapter Fourteen: Blood Magick: Part Two

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The werewolf didn't look all to happy with what I was saying but it didn't mean it wasn't true. If we didn't get help, Violet would die. I was tapped out. I couldn't work my magick anymore without passing out, I was already feeling the dragging effects of over-exerting my magick starting to pull at me, not to mention the blood loss. "Get her more water." I waved at the bedroom door and headed towards the sink myself. I needed to power through and down several glasses of water myself if I wanted to stay on my feet for any length of time.

I fumbled through the cupboards, missing my potions cabinet. Violet clearly didn't have a lot of magickal items around and that sucked ass. Though it made sense because Irma had been stifling her magick for the last whoever many fucking years she had her. However my lovely potions cabinet had so many handy potions, some of which were blood loss regeneration potions that I kept along with pain killer potions and potions for relaxing and so many fucking potions that I could have used at the moment.

I found a glass and poured myself a glass of water as the werewolf emerged from the bedroom, the empty glass in his own hand. I kept my gaze on him through the corner of my eyes as I downed my cup. "I don't understand." He said it carefully and I exhaled heavily as I finished the cup of water.

"Fuck if I do either. I'm not a healing type witch. I would have had the power to maybe force some shit but I'm fucking tapped out." Too many teleportations, too much use to keep me warm, too much of too much. I was fucked here and I needed to learn to fucking deal with it. I just wished this situation could have been fixed by throwing a punch. I would have been able to fix it right fucking quick.

"Your mother wanted t' help Violet, then she blocked ye from getting help." He filled up the glass for Violet before filling up mine and setting it back in front of me.

"I don't fucking get it either and I'm fucking pissed but there isn't much I can fucking do about it now." There wasn't, I could yell at my mother afterwards, could drag her over the fucking coals afterwards but currently, I was trapped by magick, couldn't leave due to the storm to find the edge of her barrier, and fucking tapped out. This was stupid and reckless of her to do. I grabbed the glass and downed it as quickly as I could, still feeling wobbly and shaky but knowing that it was better than nothing and would only help in the long run. "Get her that." I jerked my head to the glass of water. "We need to get her fluids up cause she will need all she can if my shitty repair gives way once that spell stops." I shook my head, leaning against the counter. I wanted to sleep, the dragging sensation inside of me as my magick swirled down to rest was getting worse.

"Can ye fix it again if it gives way?" He asked it low and I scoffed.

"I'm fucking tapped out, fido. I can't do shit and if I do anymore shit, I'm gunna pass out. I've given all I magickally can at the moment without literally going unconscious, at least conscious I can help whoever arrives." I threw him a look before pointing at the cup in his hand. "Now get that water to her before I kick your fucking ass. I won't tell you again." I looked away, turning my back to him to signal I wasn't going to entertain anymore conversation on the matter.

"Sure thing, little red." At the words I Could then hear him moving back towards the bedroom and I rubbed at my face, gripping the countertop tightly with my fingers. I was fucking beat and I honestly didn't know how much longer I had before I physically checked out. I was running on fumes but I didn't want the fucking werewolf to know that. He would just freak out and make shit that much worse for Violet and that was the last thing she needed at the moment.

I glanced at the scar trailing down my arm and exhaled heavily. Fucking blood magick. She was lucky that we were already related and she had royal blood, it wasn't changing blood and lineage to usurp an heir or subvert family lines to hide crimes, witches got finicky with that shit and I figured we were both lucky that we were already related. I didn't want to have to deal with the headache it would cause if that shit got out. I made a mental note to threaten Violet into silence with the thought that they could and would burn us at the stake for using the blood magick as we had. Well that was a little iffy us being royalty and all but she didn't need to know that.

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