Chapter Seventeen: Pissed Off Witches

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I was half expecting her to start swinging when I showed up and that was what saved me from getting my nose cracked as Red threw a heavy punch at me as she whirled around. Magick crackled along her skin as she threw another one at me. I found myself grinning as I blocked it and then the next two she tossed my way. She was not happy with me but she was still throwing punches and not spells, so I considered that a win in my opinion.

She flowed across the ground gracefully even though her punches were wild and chaotic. Her scent swirled around me and I realized just how similar Violet now smelled to her. It was a strange thought that jolted me enough to have her catching me on the side of the face with a wild haymaker. It nearly stunned me and I staggered, holding my arms up to block anymore she would throw at me.

"You smell like Violet." I said it as I dodged her next attack. There were several punches that followed that and she dogged the rather lazy swing I tossed out in her direction.

Her teeth bared and her eyes flashed with magick. "Why? Is it getting you hot and bothered, you fucker?" Her next hit nearly burned as it touched me, her magick feeling overly hot to my skin. The little witchling was pissed and wasn't that just fun?

I shook my head, taking several large steps away from her, "Nah, jus' curious, is all." She didn't keep much space between us, refusing to allow me to retreat. She was close but there was just enough space that she could throw her punches at me but I couldn't get a proper swing on her.

"Please, I saw how you looked at her." She spat the words out and I chuckled, unable to help myself. If she wasn't careful I could fully call her out for being jealous. Now that was something that I knew wouldn't go over well. However I was having fun with poking at her like I was.

"She's my clan-sister. I love her as such but no' like that." I chuckled as I managed to get some space between us and threw a hard punch at her that she deflected with barely a bump in my direction. Her magick was all the way up and I blinked slightly. "That's cheatin'." It wasn't any fun if she deflected my punches with magick.

"Whatever you say, mother fucker." She spat it out and managed to get me on the chin, snapping my head to the side.

I shook it off, "Jealousy is no' a good look, little red." At the slightly laughing words she renewed her attack. Her punches were growing a touch faster and the magick cracked angrily against my skin when they connected with me. That statement had really riled up the witch. I figure din for a penny, in for a pound and grinned at her between blocking, "Jus' admit your jealous."

She gave a small shout of rage from between clenched teeth, "That's my blood-sister, you fuck!"

"She mentioned that." Violet had stated it and now this witchling had repeated it. Clearly something had happened with that strange blood magick spell she had done when she had told me not to touch them or they would die. I made a mental note to look into it a bit more so I could understand it a bit better. I wondered if that was why Violet had started to smell similar to her. "Then why so mad?" She was a lot more aggressive than the last time we brawled and I seemed to be more on the defensive than the offensive. It was like she wanted to pummel me into submission. My Instinct didn't half mind that idea.

"You tried to fucking kill me!" The punch she hit me with slammed into me hard enough that it had me stumbling back several steps and I chuckled.

"There it is!" I was expecting that to be the reason she was angry. There was nothing else outside of that. I had clawed her throat a fair bit, not enough to cause serious harm but enough to perhaps piss her off a fair bit. "T' be fair, it was a threat, I didn't actually try." There was that little detail. I hadn't tried, just threatened it a tiny bit. I just made her bleed a little bit, granted some witches were a little tetchy with having their blood drawn, especially if it was a werewolf doing it.

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