Chapter Fourteen: Blood Magick

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I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. I didn't do healing magick but I don't understand what the fuck my mother was playing at making it impossible for me to leave. I was just happy I knew a lot about getting bleeding to stop. I was trying to get my magick inside of her but Violet's own magick was fighting with me. "Stop it!" I hissed it at her and she blinked slowly, glancing at me. "You have to call your magick off if you want me to help. I need my magick inside you to see what the fuck is bleeding." I didn't have it in me at the moment to be soft or kind or comforting.

"If you don't let me in, you're going to bleed the fuck out and I really don't want to have to tell my mother that you died on my watch." It came out low and Violet gave a slow nod before I felt her magick pull back. Not that I currently cared what my mother thought. At the moment she was at the top of my shit list once again. I didn't understand the reasoning for her throwing up a fucking teleportation block on Violet. That was beyond fucking dangerous and now look at where everything was. Violet was bleeding out because, surprise! She's fucking pregnant and in labour and having complications!

I was able to pinpoint where she was hemorrhaging from. "I think that's your damned placenta that's bleeding. I don't fucking know." I forced my magick into it hard, searing it inside of her. It was brutal but effective. Violet grunted, stiffening at the pain and I grimaced. "I fucking know. I'm sorry." I couldn't do anything about the pain, I didn't know those kinds of spells but I knew that I could get the bleeding to stop and that was what I was going to do. "I need those fucking books!" I called it out, panic making my voice pitch upwards

"I'm comin'!" At the yelled words I shook my head.

"Fucking typical." I let me magick pull back from the bleeding and to my relief it had stopped. I knew the hasty and poor repair wouldn't hold long with her contractions but it bought her a few minutes at least. "I stopped the bleeding, dog! I need those damned books." It came out in a shout as I moved upwards and grabbed Violet's hand. "I swear to the goddess that if you die on me I will bring you back to life so I can kill you myself. You hear me?" I snapped it out and she looked so fucking delicate in the large bed. I was concerned she would fucking die on me.

"Why do you care?" It came out in a broken rasp and I went to answer when the werewolf burst into the room, his arms full of various grimoires and several lower level spell books. I ignored the spell books and grabbed the biggest grimoire. I sent my magick into it, seeking out certain spells but when it came back with nothing but offensive magick I shoved it back at the werewolf, yanking another grimoire from his arms. That one was only defensive spells and the last one finally had healing in it.

I flipped through it rapidly before landing on a spell for halting labour for upwards of half an hour. I quickly read it before setting the book on the covers and resting my hand on her big belly. I chanted the words and I could feel her womb stop straining underneath my hands as the words came out. I finished the spell, glad that I had at least halted her labour for the moment. That would extend my hasty patch on that hemorrhage she had for a while longer.

I picked up the grimoire again and flipped through it more before I came across a potion for blood loss. It called for yarrow, rue, nettle, and a bunch of other herbs that I knew I couldn't get a hold of to make a potion. "Fucking bullshit!" I tossed the grimoire away in disgust. I felt frozen, unsure of what to do before the tickling of some memories at the Covens trickled in. I stiffened as I catalogued the various spells before I landed on one that would function as what I needed. I hesitated for a moment before deciding that the consequences of the actions were livable.

I grabbed Violet's arm and with my magick cut a quick line down the inside of it. The werewolf snarled but I sent a surge of magick at him, shoving him out the door. I made a similar cut on my own arm. "Blood to blood. Sister to sister." I muttered the words out and pressed the wounds together, holding onto her arm tightly as I braced myself. "Bind us together, never in twain. Together as one, we are the same." The ancient blood magick spell I had never used before slammed into me and I could feel her wound binding to mine, taking in my blood. I started to feel dizzy but I pushed through it. My magick was getting more and more depleted and the more I used it the worse it was working for me. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I hissed it out, feeling sweat start to slowly slid down my neck and bead on my forehead but I refused to let go, her colour was becoming better and I knew this was a one time thing. Blood magick like this was illegal for a reason, it could change the composition of one person's lineage, but I figured she was family already, a little more of my blood wasn't going to hurt, at this point it wouldn't be too noticeable.

Black spots started to dance in my vision and my knees felt weak but I wanted her to have enough, we had to equal out, had to be the same. "Enough." The werewolf snapped it out and I bared my teeth.

"Touch either of us and we die." Blood magick was tricky like that. The ritual had to be completed or everyone participating would die. A little protection to make sure no one was using it in a rather flippant and fickle manner. Slowly but surely, even as my magick beat in my head, screaming at me that we were being depleted, I felt the binds loosening and finally allowed me to let her arm go. I sagged against the bed, pressing my head to my hand as I felt utterly and completely woozy and unable to stand.

"That was blood magick. You made us family." Violet shifted on the bed slightly, her fingertips ghosting over the scar that I knew now rested on my arm.

"Already family, Violet." I breathed heavy, glancing at her. She looked at me intently before I gave her an exhausted smirk. "You were always a Lenkirion, cousin, it's why mama wanted me to find you." I shook my head and tried to stand but my knees buckled, unwilling to hold my weight. Large hands grasped me around the waist and lifted me up, sitting me down on the bed. I ignored the werewolf and swallowed. "Get me some water." I knew it wouldn't replenish what I gave her but I knew it would make me feel a bit better at least.

He moved away and I slumped, feeling more exhausted than I had in a long time. "I don't know if I can do that again. I'm tapped out." I said it low, rubbing at my face, honestly not knowing what I was going to do.

Violet cleared her throat slightly, "I'm... I'm a Lenkirion?" She asked it in such a tiny voice that I wanted to roll my eyes.

"Second cousin, your mother Mary was a piece of fucking work, but she was blood, my mother's cousin." I glanced at her, she looked like she was feeling much better, her colour was no longer grey. It was still pale as fuck but I was positive I looked the same. "So distant family from our branch but still Lenkirion blood, You have a grandma though. I'm sure she would be thrilled to meet you." Aunt Hestia always did look like the kind who wanted to dote on children, which is why I was always so confused when she had none. Although now I understood why she didn't claim Mary as hers. Fucking bitch.

"I have family? Like real family?" She asked it softly and I nodded my head slightly. The poor creature, I could only imagine how fucked up Irma had been to her.

"Yah, cousin, you do. A fairly big fucking one." There might not have been a lot on Aunt Hestia's side but on my mother's side there was a fair few. Fuck, even mother wanted her to call her Aunty Cate, which meant she was ready to practically adopt her and I knew Aunt Hestia, despite being older, would want to dote on her granddaughter.

"But Mirand-"

"She ain't fucking touching you." I snapped the words out, big downside to the blood magick was the fact that was now technically Violet's sister, which I did not know what to do with but that meant I would protect her from Bam like I would protect Tia from whoever wanted to fuck with her.

"Here, witchling." The werewolf returned, holding out a cup. I took it with slightly shaking hands and gulped down half of it before handing it to Violet.

"Drink." It came out clipped and I attempted to stand up again. My legs shook, but held and the water made me feel a bit better, the woozy feeling was still there slightly but I knew that I would be fine. I probably needed some sort of food but I didn't exactly have time for that. I glanced at Violet and the werewolf had moved over to her and I could see him helping her hold the cup so she could drink.

I looked at the grimoire on the floor and I resisted the urge to pick it up. I knew it was rather disrespectful but I had a feeling if I crouched down to get it, I wouldn't get back up and that if I used my magick, I would knock myself out from over extending my magick because that was always fun. I ignored it as I slowly walked out of the bedroom. It was a homey little cabin and I wondered just what werewolf Violet had snagged, I wondered if he looked like the other one.

He came out of the room and I quirked an eyebrow. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. "Thanks, witchling."

"I delayed the inevitable, not stopped it from happening. If we don't get help..." I trailed off, feeling my stomach churn. I just put a band-aid on a stab wound. It helped block the blood but it didn't fix the problem, not in the least. "The clock is ticking out and at this point." I glanced at the werewolf, "I don't know if I can't stop it."

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