7. I'm Elçin!

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Elçin's POV

"Write to him. We want justice on our part. And we don't trust you on this anymore Elçin hatun. "
She shouted.

I sighed in exhaust.

"Tamam Sakın ol! I'll write to him. You people have anyways spoilt everything. Maybe you just lied about this incident." I told staring at her with uncertainty.

I wrote down and asked the soldiers to send it immediately to Sultan Melikşah.

As expected, Markus arrived a few hours later. What was I supposed to do? Send him away saying that I'm not dealing with him anymore.
My plans had turned into a trash just because of their foolishness.

"Merhaba, Elçin hatun. I hope you're good."

"Merhaba. I'm fine but before you begin I have something to say...I am no longer going to deal with you."

He began to laugh and I stood bewildered. He kept on laughing and came closer to me, smirked and asked,

"You love him right?"

I moved my lips to speak but couldn't gather enough words.

He further spoke,
"I knew this! You consider yourself as a very smart and clever warrior but in reality, you're a perfect fool. Just a perfect fool who fell for the man who had killed your father and imprisoned your brother. When you aren't even loyal to your father, how could you be to me?
I expected you to turn out a traitor. But not this early."

He chuckled at his own words and continued,

"You know what? I'm not at all at loss. You're the one who is. You've begun to lose the trust of your own people. Melikşah considers you as a waste. Go seek help from him. What would he do? Dethrone and throw you in the dungeon! As you've betrayed him repeatedly. I pity you Elçin. Beg for mercy from your Melikşah. Perhaps he has a room in his palace for a mistress."

I smacked his face, quite hard. His soldiers immediately came forward but he signalled his hand.

"I'm a fool...huh? This slap isn't enough for you. I still haven't forgotten of that day.
Ben Elçin! One who has never learnt to step back because of monsters like you. Things are not in my favour now, but very soon 'll make you pay Markus. Now, defol git!"

With rage in his eyes, he told
"Let's see." And left

A few seconds later, Burçak placed her hand on my shoulder and asked in a very calm tone,
"Hanımım, what 'll you tell our Sultan?"

I sighed.

"Gerçektan Bilmiyorum Burçak. I don't have much to justify to him."

Melikşah's POV

I was in the main hall when Hace entered.

"Sultanım, previous days 've been very tiring for you. But your decision to declare Sencer as a 'Melik' was quick."

"Bilyorum Hace. It was quick but I found this as the right time. And if it's about our enemies, this should become our strength rather than weakness. Indeed, Allah is the best of planners. He 'll help us."

He nodded.

"Sultanım, regarding Başulu.."

I interrupted.
"Whatever you've done, was just for the sake of this state. I very well understand this. What had to happen, has happened. We can't change it. But, we can move forward. I'm already trying to bury my grief. InşaAllah everything shall get better by time."

"Amin" he replied.

Just then, Kamaç came.

"Sultanım Anatolian matters are getting worse. Elçin hatun has written to us."

"What happened now?" I asked quite annoyingly.

"She hasn't mentioned about everything but has written that her people are rebelling and they seek justice from Sultan Melikşah."

"Sultanım, what 'll you do now?" asked Hace.

"These Anatolian issues are getting over my head.
Kamaç, get the horses and soldiers ready. We are going to Anatolia, but for the last time. I've to put a full stop to their issues!"


Tamam Sakin ol - Ok calm down

Merhaba - Hello

Ben Elçin - I'm Elçin

Gerçektan Bilmiyorum - I really don't know

Biliyorum - I know

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