36. Çok güzel görünüyorsun

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Melikşah's POV

"Evet" she answered in a slightly loud voice.

Although I was quite hesitant to enter her yurt as I assumed that she must've been tired and about to sleep.

As I went through the curtain and entered her yurt, only two candles remained lit yet it seemed as though the entire yurt was lit up because of her shimmering golden outfit.

She stood there silently, first glanced at me and then fixed her eyes on the floor.

Although quite hesitant, I approached her.
The red veil was still over her head, her gaze fixed at one spot and she held her hands in such a manner that the finger nails touched each other.

Her bow and arrow was kept at the side table.
I went nearer and said in a soft tone, "Elçin.."

She lifted her gaze and answered,

Her eyes appeared really tired so I thought that I'd say my part and leave. Actually I was there to ask her something. Yes! Not that I was curious in the night so I went to check on her.

"Elçin, hereafter many things may change. Not just for you, but for me as well. In fact, all of us.
I know that my decision might not have fascinated everyone but I'm sure things will work out."

I went closer to her, her eyes met mine.
"Elçin, is there anything that you'd wish to tell me before we leave, anything that you want to ask for before you return to Isfahan as my wife? Are you satisfied with everything? You can tell me. Because your return to Anatolia won't be easy always. You know that."

"There's one thing that I want to ask for. Once we leave, I hope that my ties with Anatolia won't be broken. If a very serious issue happens here, and we learn about the matter in Isfahan, I hope that you wouldn't prevent me from coming here, even if it's for a few days."
Her soft voice fainted and she looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"That's it?" I asked

"That's it? I thought that I've asked for much."

"Merak etme Elçin. I promise you that if any such situation arises, I won't prevent you from coming to Anatolia. And I don't break my promises."

A smile grew on her face.
The dark yet lit up yurt also smelled of the henna that was applied on her hands.
Although she spoke to me, I could sense some sort of nervousness, I went closer to her and held both her wrists gently.

The bruises on her wrists were fading but were still visible. I ran my thumbs gently over her wrists.

"Sultanım, what are you doing?" Her voice more gentle than usual.


"Elçin, çok güzel görünüyorsun, çok..
Do you know why does everything appear so beautiful to me today?
Apart from the brave, courageous personality, fearlessness in eyes, debative nature and undebatable skill that this warrior holds,
this red veil covering your face today, calm gaze, gentleness of your voice and heavy breath. Even the henna suits these hands so much which have always held a sword and bow&arrows"

With a lump in my throat, I continued,
"The Elçin in front of me is a warrior who doesn't reveal her inner self. Not everybody understands the hearts of warriors. Even I wouldn't have understood you if I wouldn't have stayed with you, known you and--"

It was as if my lips stopped. I wanted to say more but my eyes pooled with tears.

Elçin's eyes too were pooled with tears. She moved her lips to say something but then sighed and turned her face to the other side.

"Sultanım, I want to give you something....
" Her voice cracked.


Merak etme - Don't worry
Çok güzel görünüyorsun - you look very beautiful

To my very valuable readers, Thankyou for your constant support and 5k🤍🎊
Keep supporting. :)) Means the world to me

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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