18 pt 1. A decision

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Elçin's POV

He stared at me surprisingly.

"Since I'm the ruler of Anatolia, I'm sure you won't have any problem with me deciding this.
I think I should go."

He nodded slightly and didn't speak a word.

He asked everyone to leave the hall, including me.

Hours later, I was in my room packing a few clothes to leave. Meanwhile, Safiye hatun entered.

"Elçin, I've heard that you're leaving."

"Ewet, Safiye hatun. My days in this palace are over now. I should return."

She sat on the sofa and asked me to sit beside her.

"What do you mean by 'over now'? Won't you return, Kızım?"

"Safiye hatun, I came here and got married to him to silent the Markus matter. But now, since ağabey has escaped and returned to Anatolia, I too should go. I appreciate everyone for how respectfully they treated me here. But Anatolia needs me now. I'll return and then-- then end our marriage."

"What about Melikşah? Won't he need you? Won't your absence eat him from inside?"

"My absence might not matter to him. He trusts me but a person's absence bothers you only when you love them. And speaking of love, he doesn't-"

After a long sigh, she replied,

"What you say is right, but, a person who stands for hours in the balcony, expecting someone to heal his wounded heart and to calm his mind which is crowded with unnecessary thoughts, his wounds begin to heal after her arrival. What would you name such a thing, Elçin?"

Her words sounded very beautiful but the reality was different for me.

She further added,
"In my opinion, she shouldn't leave him.

She looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"But I think that she shouldn't forcibly adjust herself with him. Especially, when there's someone else residing in his heart."

"Many a time, I really don't understand what you say. But all I can hope is the best for you both."

She placed her hand over my cheek and then left.

Short POV of Melikşah

"Sultanım, what'll we do with Kılıç Arslan's matter?

"Let me think Kamaç. Day by day, these issues are getting over my head. I need a little time to think."

Minutes later, when Elçin was leaving with Burçak.

I approached her.


"Elçin, I hope you're satisfied with your decision."

"Ewet, Sultanım."

She didn't say much.
We stared into each other's eyes for seconds without saying a word.

"Tamam, Sultanım. I'll leave now."

She turned towards the gate to leave.

My inner self told me, ' Don't let her go, Melikşah!'



Ağabey - Brother
Kızım - My daughter (context)

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