20. Anytime

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Elçin's POV


He came near me and offered his hand to help.

"Iyi mısın?" He asked worriedly.

I nodded and left to my yurt. My dress was torn a little and the tip of the arrow scratched the back of my shoulder. It bled and was also hurtful.

I looked for a herbal paste in my yurt to apply on it.
Meanwhile, saw his silhouette on the curtain that seperated my yurt from the door. The yurt was also a a little lit because of the candles.
He asked,

"Elçin, may I come in?"

I was a little hesitant to say yes.
I covered my head with the turban.


"Uhh- you were hurt. So I-"
He didn't complete his sentence and sat beside me.

"Let me see if the wound is deep."

I avoided an eye contact out of a little nervousness and told,

"Gerek yok. It's not very deep. Sağol."

He came even closer and peeked at the wound which was at the back of my right shoulder.
I could feel the cold touch of his fingers around my neck.

He whispered in my ear,
"You say this isn't deep. It's bleeding enough. An infection may spread."

"I-I'll do it on my own." I just told this and couldn't reply further as my voice almost cracked and breath grew heavier.

Within seconds,

"Aaaah" I screamed in pain and out of reflex hugged him wrapping my left arm around his neck as he placed a hot knife flat on my wound. I didn't see the knife as he must've heated it with the candle fame that was beside us but could feel it.

 I didn't see the knife as he must've heated it with the candle fame that was beside us but could feel it

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"Tamam, Sakın ol. This 'll cauterize the wound so that the infection doesn't spread. You're stubborn and you wouldn't have let me help."

He mumbled placing his other hand over my turban.

"It'll heal soon."

"This 'll heal, but what about the wound that's elsewhere?"
I looked at him distancing myself a little.

"I think there's an ointment to every wound. And if there's not, it heals as time passes. Sometimes, your wound is so deep that you're afraid to reveal it to anyone."
He replied in a very low intensity staring at the ground.

"But I think one should reveal his wounds to his closer ones, the ones whom he trusts or loves the most.
Silence is not the solution to everything. It doesn't heal one's wounds as time passes instead can make it even deeper.
Silence can kill a person's innerself."

I looked at him but he didn't look back at me.
He turned his face to the other side and got up.

"When your disturbed heart realises, unfortunately things don't go your way, Elçin."

He sighed a little.
"Tamam, I'll go now. Take care and- and apply the paste on your wound."

I nodded.

"Sağol, Sultanım!"

"Anytime." He replied and left.

As he left, I kept staring at the small knife which he had heated and that he usually carried with him.

He didn't share about his feelings. He didn't speak much yet his eyes depicted that his heart was fading out.
His silence hurt me the most. There were things bothering him but he couldn't speak them out.
Probably I too had assumed things which weren't true. The words which he uttered signalled me that he wasn't exactly how he seemed to be. As Safiye hatun once told me, 'Melikşah is like a closed box', but that closed box never opened, so how could I understand?

The next day,
Soon after the sunrise, I left for hunting.

Minutes later,
A sword touched the side of my neck.


Iyi mısın?- Are you fine?

Gerek yok - Not needed

Sakın ol - Calm down

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